Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - March 26th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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March 26th, 2011

[Mar. 26th, 2011|09:29 am]
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Right. Anyone who knows Zevran, my name is Isabela. I come from the same world as him, and apparently there's someone called Morrigan here who's from Thedas as well (I think I might have seen you once in Denerim?) I used to be a pirate, commanding the Siren's Call, but as I have neither hands nor a ship, I probably need work. My papers say I'm some sort of Chantry Mother, some kind of religious figure, which is too delicious for words, but roleplaying does get old. I'm skilled with a pair of daggers, but I'm told you all use something called guns, primarily.

At any rate, I popped into someplace called Louisiana, so that's where I am right now. Anyone need a skilled hand or a good time, you can call on me.

(ooc: possibly small spoilers for Dragon Age 2.)
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[Mar. 26th, 2011|11:11 am]


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I like being pregnant, but this whole not being able to move around thing? Sucks. I hate feeling like a damsel and having everyone do things for me.
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[Mar. 26th, 2011|02:35 pm]
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I finally have enough vacation time acrued to take a week off! Next week I am going to do all the things I don't normally have time for, like sleeping.
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[Mar. 26th, 2011|11:53 pm]



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