Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - June 22nd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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June 22nd, 2010

[Jun. 22nd, 2010|12:54 am]
[Current Mood |embarrassed]

Left as a message on the Guildhall's phone line:

I can't believe I'm admitting to this, but I am using my one telephone call that I apparently get, in order to call you people and beg a bit of help. Some problems at the Uffizi Gallery in Firenze ... erm. These men seem to believe I stole something from the Gallery. Hopefully one of you can help me with this difficult situation?
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|01:06 pm]
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I do not think I quite understand this concept of a graduation celebration, however, I am told that it is quite customary and I should participate to commemorate my own. I suppose.
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|03:45 pm]
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I woke up at dawn, and the strangest sensation came over me. It was a feeling of the purest, most serene knowledge that although I've outlived my purpose, that there was more out there for me to accomplish.

I do believe this new era has finally gotten to me.
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|05:01 pm]

Is this Earth?

I do not recall any descriptions of space travel including a great twirling wind...
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|08:02 pm]


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What the hell is a chat roulette and why does my son want to put his wedding on it?
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|08:03 pm]


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Nothing makes me want to dance like mangoes.
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