Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - March 6th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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March 6th, 2010

[Mar. 6th, 2010|12:18 am]
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I have a girlfriend. This is my first time with the living, and I never thought I'd have a girlfriend. Maybe Eliza counted, but I don't know.

It's just a good thing, I'm not bragging, just happy.
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|12:36 am]
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Dustfinger )
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|01:29 am]
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I recently visited this world's Louisiana.

It's still just as dull and humid as I know it to be. I'm glad I've relocated.
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|08:03 am]



Another tornado?

James Bond, show yourself.
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|03:08 pm]


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My first opera for this world is complete. A story of love, deception, illegitimacy... I can only hope it's well-received.

I drew on a few personal experiences for some scenes. With a life as varied as mine has been, you cannot blame me.
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|03:29 pm]


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Turns out I've got an extra case of Jack.
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|04:13 pm]

It's Saturday night and I'm not working. I need to find something to do. Anybody want to do something?

I need a girlfriend.
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[voice post] [Mar. 6th, 2010|09:09 pm]


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Is this ... heaven?

I felt my soul leave my body ... felt myself die. Heard the demon screaming in his fall. Where have I gone if not to Paradise?
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[Mar. 6th, 2010|10:06 pm]
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Kai )
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