Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - February 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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February 24th, 2010

[Feb. 24th, 2010|12:56 am]


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Ceevee )
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|12:58 am]
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La Bella Ronia )
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|08:49 am]
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I haven't posted here in forever!

Hey guys, my brother's here now, just so you all know. He'd probably tell you himself but I got here first so, yeah. Ferb.

I reeeeally need to eat breakfast before posting on the internet, this is ridiculously incoherent, even for me.
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|10:31 am]
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Hey dad. A guy from school said my hair is pretty.
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|12:24 pm]


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I'm cooking dinner for tonight and I can only cook in large batches. You feel like inviting anyone over? Or I could invite Alice.
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|12:53 pm]


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Well, I'm relatively certain Flemeth isn't here, now. Unfortunately, this means her grimoire isn't here, either. I suppose I'll have to find something else to occupy my time.
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|03:03 pm]
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Signor Remy )
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|06:48 pm]


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A killer whale killed some lady at Sea World.

And you all wonder why animals freak me out!
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[Feb. 24th, 2010|09:33 pm]


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There are people with cameras. Following me. I AM JUST WRITING THE SCREENPLAY, I AM NOT IN THE DARN MOVIE.

And I'm not even that good of a guitarist, that can't be it.

I have to wear clothes now. Boo. :(
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