Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - February 10th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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February 10th, 2010

[Feb. 10th, 2010|12:14 am]
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It feels like so long since I've seen the snow. It's so cold but so pretty!
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[Feb. 10th, 2010|08:39 am]


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This show is totally addictive.
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[Feb. 10th, 2010|10:31 am]


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[Current Mood |satisfied]

Dear People of New York Who Are The Sort To Throw Snowballs:

Advisory. Make certain they do not contain rocks or especially hard pieces of ice. If they do, and you use one to strike a British lady on the forehead, you have no one but yourself to blame if you are either struck in kind, or somehow "accidentally" trip face first into a snowbank. It's quite simple to take down some teenaged bastard who isn't looking where he's going. That is all.

(Yes, Dean, I'm completely fine aside from the bruise.)
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[Feb. 10th, 2010|02:11 pm]


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I know it's a bit ironic, considering my name, but I really wish the guy in the next flat would stop playing Meatloaf songs. I like some of the stuff, but... yeah. Not what I want to hear all the time.

The guitar bits kinda remind me of the Dreamer and his chick, though. That's always a good thing.
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[Feb. 10th, 2010|02:40 pm]


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My darling family, for all this snow, we have two options: we can all go to Troy and enjoy the sun OR we can all to the house in New Jersey and enjoy the white stuff.

It's not quite New York, but I hear the snowfall is adequate.
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[Feb. 10th, 2010|04:13 pm]


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Today is a very good day. The best since my arrival!
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