Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - January 31st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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January 31st, 2008

[Jan. 31st, 2008|12:11 am]
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Hey Jonas? Sorry I've been scarce. How are you?

Caitlin )

Claire )
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|02:18 am]
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The hospital needs repairs. Like, alot. And I just don't have the money to cover them. Not by a long shot.

I've gotten offers to sell, not that I'd take them. But. They're hovering like vultures.

Suggestions? Besides having the doctors strip for money.

Private )
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|01:08 pm]
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. . .

But I haven't been drinking. . .
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|05:29 pm]
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This is not part of the test. What have you done to me?
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|05:34 pm]
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Okay, I know the Misfits have pulled some... things on us in the past, but this is just ridiculous.
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|05:35 pm]
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Ah... a vortex? And now... why am I in Greece?

Kitty? Scott? Emma?

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[Jan. 31st, 2008|05:38 pm]
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Well, ah, this is all, sort of confusing.

Where did the Daily Planet go?
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|05:40 pm]
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Ugh. iFeel... inViGorateD.

I feel like a game.

Can MiKey coME out to play?
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|05:43 pm]
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All right.

Girls, Uncle Caleb's gonna be there to get you in the morning, Daddy and/or Papi can pass you guys out the door and go back to bed if you like, but we're gonna get our hair done real pretty in the morning, you can pick out of a magazine how you want it done, but no cuts, ok? I'm not authroized to get your hair chopped off, and besides, it's too perdy.

We should have time for lunch and maybe a nap in the car and change into our nice clothes before we go see the ballet.

Uncle Caleb gets a day away from girls ;)

Daddy and Papi types, when do you want them back?
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|05:50 pm]


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Carrie )
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|07:12 pm]
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Things...did not go as planned.
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|07:31 pm]


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I'll be in my realm tonight.

George )

Desire and Dream )
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|08:04 pm]
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Here's the deal.

Someone here is going to get me laid. Soon. Now, even.

Is it going to be you? Who knows.
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|08:22 pm]


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Bat-Family )
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|08:28 pm]

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[Jan. 31st, 2008|08:41 pm]


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private )

X-Men, X-Factor )

Jamie )

[posted earlier today]
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|09:11 pm]


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Why the hell am I in London?

And when did I get tattoos?
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|09:56 pm]
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I'm just trying to get a headcount here.

How many people are there from my world?
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|09:56 pm]
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((OOC: This message probably hurts to look at for any average person. It is so cold as to literally lower the temperature in the room of any mortals who read it.))

I would like to make it known to certain individuals who have made the grave mistake of making an enemy of me. When this is over--and trust me, it will not last--you will be lucky to lord over a grain of sand, much less my sister.

Dutchman )

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[Jan. 31st, 2008|10:21 pm]
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X-Men Team )
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|10:53 pm]


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Never felt this alive before.

Going after things that hit back is a rush!
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|11:03 pm]
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No.. That shouldn't have happened.
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|11:23 pm]


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Anakin, are you still around X-Factor? I've never felt such a huge disturbance in the Force.

Something went very, very wrong tonight.
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|11:26 pm]
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Edit.I think I might go flying for a little while.

People need help. Everywhere. Going to do as much as I can.

Jon )

Private )
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[Jan. 31st, 2008|11:56 pm]

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