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Twisting: Out of Character

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[Dec. 21st, 2011|09:23 pm]
Would anyone like to log?
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[Dec. 15th, 2011|03:58 pm]
I'm going to have to bow out. I just can't get into Krishna, with work and school being a mess my brain is toasted.. :( So sorry my dears.
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[Dec. 4th, 2011|08:39 pm]

Hey everyone! This is my Big Apology Post. Otherwise known as: Why Lindsey is a Big Fail.

I recently moved, and top that with my ridiculous work schedule (yay Christmas season in retail, most of you know how this goes!), I haven't had time to sleep or eat let alone... RP much. However, my schedule is settling down a bit more, I'm mostly unpacked, so I can actually get back to relaxing with you crazy people!

All of those I owe tags to, they are coming. Those of you I need to plot with for the Halloween thread... we shall hopefully get on that ASAP! In the mean time, I'm off to catch up on tags!

I have missed you all a lot. ♥
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[Dec. 2nd, 2011|07:31 pm]
Hi yes tis Trin. I'd like to apologize for my lack of life. <3 but I'm here now. Well mostly. Sunday is my free day. But yes um

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[Nov. 25th, 2011|04:50 pm]
*waves*! I'm back and actually ready and happy to play now that I'm over my funk! So yes Teagan, Hufflepuff 4th year and far to hyper/nice for her own good :D
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Zac Attack! [Nov. 24th, 2011|12:18 pm]

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Okay, I'm on a kind of Zac Efron kick right now and I'm not apologising for it. Here is Kellan Grey! He's a big Oscar Wilde fan, he's muggleborn, and he's a Ravenclaw because... apparently all of my characters are always.

I'm also returning from a Hiatus/My life being weird, and I'd love to plot for my other 2 Ravenclaws, Scorpius Malfoy and Lysander Scamander


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[Nov. 10th, 2011|09:30 pm]
Okay I'll be back soon guys! House is signed for today, craft fair on Saturday, Work all day friday then moving on Sunday\Monday! wish us luck!

~ Trin\Krishna

Once i get back i'll reintro and all that!
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[Nov. 8th, 2011|01:17 pm]
So a few of you know I've been working on buying a new house with my other half.

WELL WE GOT IT. Thursday we sign the papers and it's OURS.

This means I'll be MIA for a bit and scattered while I try to get moved, packed and subsequently unpacked.

If you need me use my email after Sunday:

NIKOLatTHEdisco [at] gmail [dot] com

I have my phone with me 24\7 and can answer.

I'll try to keep active while we're moving.
Our shitty new internet starts as soon as I get the modems in the mail
but I'll be on as much as possible otherwise until I get it.



Love me!
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[Nov. 7th, 2011|12:03 pm]
HIHI I'm Trin and I'm bringing to you, Krishna Evangeline MacMillian! She's a 5th Year Ravenclaw, and is in the following clubs: Future Healers, Photography Club & Hogwarts Choir! She loves to take photos, she loves singing and she loves the idea of being a healer. I suck at intro's so, go look at her here then come back.

Okay back? Good! Have a cookie *hands cookies*

Now friends? Enemies? Etc??

I'm found on Snakewithclaws!
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[Nov. 2nd, 2011|11:17 am]

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Hey kids!

So, some of you know that I work at a promotional/party company, and some of you know that I almost died of blood poisoning in the last couple weeks. For those who don't, let me explain.

1. If you are ever to get bitten by a cat and it remains swollen, go to a doctor. Seriously. Tetanus shot and antibiotics and two weeks later my arm is still sore and I'm still on medication, which blows.

2. Halloween is the busiest time of year for anyone who works at a company that sells costumes. That's kind of a no brainer, but it's sort of where I've been off to the last two weeks (when I wasn't nursing an injured hand and fantasising about punching my cat).

I'm officially and 100% more free now (aside from NaNoWriMo) and will be returning to regular threads and tags and things ASAP. My characters are Lysander Scamander and Scorpius Malfoy and if you feel I've missed something super important, or you sort of want to plot with either of them, reply here or hit me up on AIM: A3PatchProblem
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[Oct. 31st, 2011|09:26 pm]


Hi friends!

Sorry I disappeared there for a hot minute. It's been a weird couple of weeks, but I'm back now and overdue for some plotty fun times, so please hit me up!

Also, if you're waiting on a tag from me, please remind me because I had deleted a few of my emails thinking I'd get to tags later that night and then didn't and now I've forgotten where those were.

Hope everyone is having a happy Halloween!
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[Oct. 31st, 2011|07:15 pm]
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Hi all! I'm really really sorry to have to do this but I'm afraid I'm going to have to step down from the game. I just have no motivation these days and am just struggling to much with games lately to hold onto characters.

I hope to see you all around at some point though.

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[Oct. 30th, 2011|04:00 am]

I owe a lot of apologies to everyone in all of my games and I'm so behind in giving them. I meant to ask for a hiatus due to real life exploding on me here in October. Both of my grandpas were admitted to the hospital at the same time. They were in the hospital for around two and a half weeks. Then there is work... Ah work. We jumped from having 45 or so clients to 113 in two weeks. Things have been absolutely hectic and crazy. I'm sure you've seen me online, but I haven't really been here mentally. v_v Things are finally settling down and so I'm hoping I can get back more active...

Until then you're going to have a slow Myk. Much fail.
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Intro Again! [Oct. 29th, 2011|08:53 pm]

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Hey guys! Callie again. I was approved for two more kiddos the other day so I'm gonna toss 'em here for an introduction. (Sorry it's late, the invites were missing and now I'm away for the weekend caught in a snow storm.) I'll keep it brief since I'm adding them both, but I just wanted to put it out there so I can get them some fun connections and interactions. :D

First off is this guy here. This is Daniel Longbottom. Younger brother to Frank, older brother to Katelyn, all around awesome. He's a fairly laid back kid, much calmer than his older brother, though the two are very close. Dan has a charisma about him that he doesn't actively strive for, and people tend to feel comfortable with/drawn to him naturally. He's a nice guy, a mediator between friends, and extremely easygoing. He can be logical and subjective in his thinking, but isn't entirely inept with emotions. He'll need friends, enemies, exes, interests, WHATEVER!

Next, I have Molly Weasley (
) She is very protective of her friends and family, and often plays the protector role with the younger ones. She is a tough cookie, but not a hard-ass or anything. Molly does believe in tough love, and won't sugar coat things even though she generally wants to make people feel better. She can have quite a temper and be quite reckless, like any good Gryffindor, but is really trying to work on it. Molly is most like her Aunt Ginny or Uncle George, is feisty and full of energy, and has an excellent sense of humor and mischief. She can be goofy as often as she's temperamental, knows when to be responsible and when to have fun, and is quite enigmatic in her personality. She could use a few friends, maybe some people she clashes with, etc.

Hit me up with any ideas! I'm always open to plotting. :)
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[Oct. 29th, 2011|07:08 pm]



Who knew people could turn one exam into the most stressful situation in your life? However I did pass my CPT (certified phlebotomy technician) exam on Thursday so now I can legally get a job as a phlebotomist. How awesome is that? Well it's very in case you were wondering.

THAT BEING SAID...I am in fact alive and as promised to our lovely mods, will be getting back into the swing of things now that I am no longer subject to exams. So if you want to plot with any of mine please IM me or email me because I would love to get them back to where they should have been before the giant scare.



(Stephen, Matthew, Augustine and Tabitha)
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[Oct. 25th, 2011|01:28 pm]

I'm back and ready to play :D
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[Oct. 22nd, 2011|10:54 am]


Hey. Sorry for vanishing this week. Work has sucked out my brain but I am catching up across the board or that is the plan. Who knows if the overtime here will stop but there is always hope.

So, yes, Louis needs friends and something to do so plots?

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[Oct. 20th, 2011|10:35 am]
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Hiatus time! From tomorrow (Friday my time) I will be gone/without any real access to internet as far as I can tell until sometime Monday. I'm volunteer at a convention this w/e but due to the fact I have to be in the city by 8/8:30 respectively I'm staying at a friends place (and the nights will be long before we actually get out of there). Don't have to much fine without me!
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[Oct. 17th, 2011|12:05 pm]


This morning at precisely 8:23, during breakfast, the words returned to their books, causing much confusion about whether or not classes would continue. The first classes of the day remained cancelled, but the others would proceed as normal.
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[Oct. 12th, 2011|11:48 pm]
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Actually that's probably true, because marriage leads to kids, and kids and I don't get along extremely well.

So my name's Matt, for those of you who either care or don't remember me. Which might go under the not caring category....

Just kidding around! I'm high on pepsi, pixie sticks, and Wendy's right now so forgive me for being just a tad bit hyper right now. Anyway, hi to all of those of you whom I actually know on a deep and personable level. Those long nights we spent in Prague were magical.

I bring with me Caleb Hancock. His nicknames are Cal and probably a bunch of inappropriate ones. He is your typical bad a--- no he's not. I'm lying. He wants to be. He loves attention and thrives off what people think of him. He says he doesn't care, but if you hate him? He hates you and you're immediately a rival and he wants to beat you at whatever it is you do. Only problem with that, is, if you're good at anything other than DADA or flying? He's probably not going to beat you. He doesn't have the patience to learn anything that might not revolve around action. He doesn't sit still long enough to read huge texts, and often half-asses his papers. He's that kid.

He's the reserve chaser on Gryffindor. He's a fifth year though, so he hopes to actually GET on the pitch this year. He's wild, a bit crazy but not in that psycho way, just ... well he breaks out into song when he feels like it. He's kind of loud but loves making jokes, hanging out with friends, and thrives in the opportunity to do something stupid.

And for those of you who know me... I know what you're thinking. He's a lot like Dom.

.... He's not, he's Caleb. That's all I'm saying.... >.>

LOVE ALL OF YOU. Even you.

So funny sort of story here. I forgot to add....

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