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Stories by Tulliver

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STEREOTOMY, part 1 [Mar. 22nd, 2008|01:32 am]

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Title: Stereotomy
Fandom: Original fic, from the Gangsterverse AU setting
Theme: Late '20s Chicago. Gangsters, Dames and Gumshoes
Rating: PG-13/R, I think, for language

Stereotomy, part 1 )
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LUPUS LYCANTHROPOS part 3/3 [Jun. 2nd, 2007|03:56 am]

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[Current Mood | awake]

And this would be the last bit. Parts 1 and 2 are in the previous two posts, and the notes relating to the fic are at the beginning of the first part.

Lupus Lycanthropos, part 3 )
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LUPUS LYCANTHROPOS part 2/3 [Jun. 1st, 2007|05:31 pm]

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[Current Mood | cheerful]

All info is on part 1's post, which is the one before this one, so I'm not linking to it. *lazy* :D

Lupus Lycanthropos, part 2 )

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LUPUS LYCANTHROPOS [Jun. 1st, 2007|02:30 am]

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[Current Mood | cheerful]

Title: Lupus Lycanthropos
Fandom: Original fic, based on the LiveJournal roleplaying game "New York Journal 2"
Theme: Werewolves.
Rating: PG-13/R, I think, for language and violence
Notes: Pre-game in setting, detailing how the Alpha and Beta males of the game's resident werewolf pack first meet. This is part 1 of 3.

Lupus Lycanthropos )
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Hello! [Jun. 1st, 2025|02:21 am]

[Current Music |Donovan - Sunshine Superman]

Firstly, thanks for looking. Secondly, thanks even more for reading, if you do.

Basic information about the writing contained in this journal can be found on the User Info page.

There MAY be occasional postings of characters you might know, but there won't be many. Basically these are all fics based on original characters, in varying incarnations, all of who began their lives in one or more RPGs over on LiveJournal. Also, unless otherwise stated, ALL fics are ©[info]tulliver.

If that hasn't put you off, then I'll be more than grateful should you choose to read them. If you do, please leave me some sort of comment. I don't mind if it's positive, negative or neutral, although I don't respond well to unqualified flames. Con Crit is more than welcome though.

Thanks for your time and patience.

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