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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Making Truffles for the Fire_Fic fundraiser's InsaneJournal:

    Wednesday, August 29th, 2007
    9:09 pm
    In the beginning
    I offered to make truffles for donations to the Fire_Fic fund ... I'll put the LJ Link in when I'm not tired. Now I've cut off accepting bids with twelve sets and eleven people, I think. Or maybe I've added an extra one on along the way. I've been typing the same information over for each person, and feeling a little bad that I don't have a way to let folks feel involved in what's up with it, and I suddenly thought of this. So here's the group. Right now it's set for only me to post, but membership isn't moderated. I might change that a little later, cause I'm a little edgy about having much of my information readily accessible to an internet search. I could let other folks post, I just wasn't sure if there was any reason to. I'm open to ideas.

    Right now bids are done, folks are sending in pay pal receipts, and Spouse is playing with recipe ideas, talking about how to make raspberry flavored ones for the folks who requested those, and doing equations for how much chocolate to make. I'm thinking I need an excel sheet to keep track of everyone. I'll probably make one at some point.

    Should I write about the whole process? I can take pictures start to finish easily enough.

    Current Mood: tired
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