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Back January 5th, 2008 Forward
De Die In Diem 1

Title: De Die In Diem
Author: Foodie [info]foodie
Summary: A continuation of the trials and tribulations of Lucius Malfoy set in the True Revenge Series.
Rating: R for sex and violence
Characters/Pairing: Lucius/OFC
Warnings: overall for the story – sex, violence, torture, abuse
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, they are owned by JK Rowling.
A/N: This is the third story of a four story series written by myself and my friend ElfFlame. The first part, written by ElfFlame, is called True Revenge and tells Narcissa’s story of her unhappy marriage to Lucius Malfoy. The second told Lucius’s side of the same story. This story takes up where that left off, picking up at the beginning of his son Draco’s second year.

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Prologue )

De Die In Diem 2

Title: De Die In Diem
Author: Foodie [info]foodie
Summary: A continuation of the trials and tribulations of Lucius Malfoy set in the True Revenge Series.
Rating: R for sex and violence
Characters/Pairing: Lucius/OFC
Warnings: overall for the story – sex, violence, torture, abuse
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, they are owned by JK Rowling.
A/N: Please see chapter one for author's notes. Lucius Malfoy’s views and actions are not necessarily shared or condoned by the author.

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The Masque )

De Die In Diem 3

Title: De Die In Diem
Author: Foodie [info]foodie
Summary: A continuation of the trials and tribulations of Lucius Malfoy set in the True Revenge Series.
Rating: R for sex and violence
Characters/Pairing: Lucius/OFC
Warnings: overall for the story – sex, violence, torture, abuse
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, they are owned by JK Rowling.
A/N: Please see chapter one for author's notes.

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Tit For Tat )

De Die In Diem 4

Title: De Die In Diem
Author: Foodie [info]foodie
Summary: A continuation of the trials and tribulations of Lucius Malfoy set in the True Revenge Series.
Rating: R for sex and violence
Characters/Pairing: Lucius/OFC
Warnings: overall for the story – sex, violence, torture, abuse
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, they are owned by JK Rowling.
A/N: Please see chapter one for author's notes.

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An Afternoon at Hogwarts )

De Die In Diem 5

Title: De Die In Diem
Author: Foodie [info]foodie
Summary: A continuation of the trials and tribulations of Lucius Malfoy set in the True Revenge Series.
Rating: R for sex and violence
Characters/Pairing: Lucius/OFC
Warnings: overall for the story – sex, violence, torture, abuse
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, they are owned by JK Rowling.
A/N: Please see chapter one for author's notes.

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The Hunter )

Back January 5th, 2008 Forward