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[Nov. 2nd, 2009|11:16 pm]
[mood |busy]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've lost our Sirius Black and Draco Malfoy due to lack of activity.

On that note, now that I've had sometime to relax after twenty-eight hours on the road in seven days, I'm back in full force. This cut is going to be the first of many changes, so I hope everyone enjoyed the short break.

Comments, Questions or Concerns? Feel free to drop me a line.

Thanks all,
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Qudditch Results [Oct. 18th, 2009|01:55 pm]
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[mood |sore]

And the winner of the Qudditch Game is Ravenclaw! It was a very close poll, and thank you to those who voted. :)

I'm sending Candi on activity checks soon, so take from that what you will.

Thanks all,
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Qudditch [Oct. 16th, 2009|04:39 pm]
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[mood |busy]

And the Winner of the Qudditch Game is?(polling)

It's Qudditch time again! This months game is Ravenclaw VS. Hufflepuff. The poll will be up for forty-eight hours before I announce the winner. :)

Thanks all,
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[Oct. 10th, 2009|05:38 pm]
[mood |busy]

Hey all,

I'm sorry I've been a little remiss lately, but I've had some personal stuff going on. It seems to have calmed down so hopefully I'll be around more this week.

Anyway, I'm going to be post the scene for the dance a bit later tonight and then feel free to jump in and do as you will. I don't have anything solid planned for the dance so it's up to you to make your own plot and action on this one.

Comments, Questions or concerns? Give me a jingle.
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Friends Update [Oct. 4th, 2009|12:31 am]
[mood |hot]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've gained a Hermione Granger.
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Friends Update [Oct. 3rd, 2009|01:03 am]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've lost our Lucius Malfoy.
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Lame Kacey is lame [Oct. 2nd, 2009|11:01 pm]

I forgot to add a post about how I've decided to edit things a little and Sirius Black is the Gryffindor Head of House, so if you Gryffindors need anything that means you need to go harass Aleey. ;)

Also, I'm making a Hogsmeade post tomorrow afternoon for those interested. If you're around feel free to join in-- good times to be had by all.

Thanks everyone,
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Friends Update [Oct. 1st, 2009|11:43 am]
[mood |blah]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've lost our Lucius Malfoy.
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Reminders [Sep. 30th, 2009|03:24 pm]
[mood |cold]

Hey Everyone,

I'm putting my mod hat back on (sadly) and giving a few reminders:

-I'm sending Candi on activity checks soon, be afraid. If you don't get an e-mail from her, you're in the clear.
-If you can be around for Hogsmeade Weekend this weekend, I strongly suggest it.
-It seems like there's generally interest in the dance, I'll get things worked IC soon.
-DEATH EATERS, I has plot for you. Get a hold of me if you're interested.

I think that's it, but stay tuned. I might think of more things ;)

Have a good day all,
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Friends Update [Sep. 29th, 2009|10:51 pm]
[mood |hot]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list again, we've gained a Charlie Weasley :)
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Friends Update [Sep. 29th, 2009|02:24 pm]
[mood |hot]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list, we've gained a Hestia Jones :)
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Qudditch Results [Sep. 27th, 2009|06:21 pm]
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[mood |busy]

And the winner by quite a Margin is: Gryffindor. I'm very happy with how the polling took place, and most of you who talked to me seemed to enjoy it as well. So I've decided to keep it and change things up a bit. :)

This is a reminder that next weekend is a Hogsmeade Weekend, you may start posting scenes on Friday, Hogsmeade weekend 'ends' on Sunday.

Also, Thank you to those who left suggestions for characters to advertise for. In my next batch I'll include all those you asked for!

Comments, Questions or Concerns? Drop me a line.

Thanks all, Have a Good Evening.
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Qudditch [Sep. 25th, 2009|02:10 pm]
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[mood |good]

Hello all,

I've decided I'm going to try something new for Qudditch this time. Under the cut, you will find a poll that I'll leave up for forty-eight hours. The two options are the two teams playing, and feel free to vote as much as you want. Don't feel inclined to vote as your character, just whatever you feel like at the time :)

This is just a trial run for me, something new and interesting. I'll see how it works before I make a final decision on whether or not the change will be permanent.

The Poll )

The week change will be happening this Sunday, which will put us back on track. Sunday in real life is Sunday in game time. This week is a little longer because the game opened on a Friday.

Also, I've only got a few more characters I'm advertising for (Hermione and Ginny, mostly) but I'm welcome to input. Is there anyone you'd like to see me advertise for? Feel free to leave a comment below and I'll add them to the list.

Comments, Questions or Concerns? Give me a jingle.
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Friends Update [Sep. 22nd, 2009|02:38 pm]
[mood |busy]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list, we've gained a Theodore Nott :)
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Friends Update [Sep. 21st, 2009|09:48 pm]
[mood |stressed]

Friends Button

Please update again, we've gained a Luna Lovegood :)
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Friends Update [Sep. 20th, 2009|09:44 pm]
[mood |aggravated]

Friends Button

Please update again, we've gained a Severus Snape :)
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Friends Update [Sep. 20th, 2009|03:44 pm]
[mood |lazy]

Friends Button

Please update your friends list, we've gained a Terry Boot :)

Also, since it was suggested to be by a few players-- Oliver Wood is going to be at Hogwarts for sometime helping with the Qudditch teams. So if you'd like to take advantage of that, please feel free to get a hold of Frances.
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OPEN [Sep. 17th, 2009|09:41 pm]
[mood |happy]

Since I didn't think anyone would mind opening a few hours early and I finished everything I needed to do early-- I've decided that we're NOW OPEN! :)

So feel free to post and start plotting away. Comments? Questions or concerns? You know where to find me.

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Last Minute Reminders [Sep. 17th, 2009|03:01 pm]
[mood |busy]

Hey Everyone, I have a few last minute reminders before the game starts Tonight at midnight:

1. If you're character is on the Qudditch team and not on the list, please comment here. I think I've added everyone for the most part. But I could've missed someone.
2. Please make sure you update your friends list here before we begin playing.
3. Make sure you've joined both of the communities!
4. When the game starts the students will already be at Hogwarts, and it will be after the welcoming feast.
5. Please make sure you have a character sheet either posted in your journal, on your userinfo-- somewhere. It doesn't have to happen right away, but in the next few days would be nice.

I just wanted to add as an after thought that I'm very excited for the game start-- and I'm thrilled with the new interest and the renewed interest from people in the previous game. I think it's going to be a good run this time, and I'm looking forward to writing with those who returned and getting to know the people who just joined us :)

Comments, questions or concerns? Feel free to contact me.

Thanks everyone,
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Modly Updates [Sep. 11th, 2009|05:36 pm]
[mood |busy]

Hey all,

This is just me giving you a few minders:

1. The Game will Start on September 17th at midnight EST. So technically it's the 18th, but whose getting technical? ;)
2. If you're character is on the Qudditch team, please comment here. If you're not on the list, comment and I'll add you in. It's easier than searching through the applications for information.
3. Please make sure you update your friends list here before we begin playing. Also, make sure you join the main community and the Out of character community!
4. I'm sending out a few emails to people who were in the game before the restart, but if any returners want to contact anyone as well It'd be greatly appreciated.
5. If you have any questions, comments or concerns. Feel free to drop me a line. :)

Thanks everyone, looking forward to next week!
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