Feb. 22nd, 2008


Homecoming [5:50pm : Wayne Manor, Gotham]

Dear Clark,

When you get this, leave the luggage and Dick with Alfred. Come out to the garden in the Eastern Field. Where the poppies are in early bloom.

I have a surprise for you.


Bruce's card is in Alfred's hand waiting for Clark and Richard's return from the grandparents.

Feb. 21st, 2008


Good Morning [8:56am : Montana]


I got your card.

I like the scenery on it, I think I might visit when classes are on break.

Be careful climbing them, it is dangerous. I hope you have a partner to make sure you don't fall.

I know you. A little anyway.

I miss you.


Leaving the town's post office, Clark's postcard is in the backpack of Bruce Wayne heading for the mountains.

Feb. 20th, 2008


Good Morning [ 3:16am : Downtown Gotham]


Sorry I couldn't stay the whole night. I had a great time at dinner and you were wonderful but the games we play... well they can be fun. Just think of this meeting and parting as incentive. I left the check for one half of the reward money on your sidetable for the return of the Diamosses diamond as the museum had been quite relieved to have it back. I have given the other half of the reward to a worthy charity of my choice.

If you wish for another meeting, please do call.


Diana's postcard is lying nicely on the empty pillow next to Selina's head waking for her to wake up.