TPM Flashback's Journal
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Sunday, November 27th, 2005

    Time Event
    *taps microphone*

    Original poster: darththalia

    Anybody out there?

    I've been neglecting this community way too long, despite some gentle nudging (*cough*[info]ausmac*cough*), but I'm thinking maybe it's time to get things going again. Anyone still interested in reccing? Any stories are allowed to be recced, as long as they involve characters from the Star Wars prequels, and they haven't already been mentioned. We're looking for stories that could be considered classics; more recent stories are allowed, as long as they have that "classic" feel.

    I'll take the first seven volunteers, assuming that many people are interested. If you volunteer, you'll be responsible for posting a rec on a certain day of the week for eight weeks. I'm thinking we'll start after the first of the year, since many people's schedules (including mine) get kind of nuts in December.

    To see which stories have already been mentioned, see recs by author or recs by title.

    Any questions or comments? Feel free to leave them here.

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