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Thursday, March 17th, 2005

    Time Event
    Mark of the Pisan by Robin Serrano

    Original poster: jedi_runya

    Title: Mark of the Pisan

    Author: Robin Serrano

    Rating: NC-17

    Pairing: Q/O, O/other

    Warnings: author's warning... )

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: I don't know any contact info. If someone does, please let me know and I will add it...

    Link to story:

    Summary: At his eighteenth birthday celebration, Obi-Wan is kidnapped by somone from Qui-Gon's past, and he is coerced
    into selling himself into slavery. His situation forces him to re-examine all he has believed about his future with Qui-Gon.

    Reasons for recommending: This fic is one of my all time favorites when I need an angsty, plot-driven story. This beautful
    story has the angst and romance neatly balanced thoughout the entire tale. This story is so well written that it will be hard for the
    reader to put it down until it is finished.

    Quote: story quote... )

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