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Saturday, December 4th, 2004

    Time Event
    A Place Among the Stones by Sage

    Original poster: gaiaeagle

    Title: A Place Among the Stones
    Author: Sage
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: Q/O
    Summery: Obi-Wan sends his Master on a mission. Hopelessly romantic fluff.

    Author's E-mail:


    Reason for recomending: This is one of those sweet, romantic stories that everyone needs once in a while. Obi places memories of his training with Qui in different stones. Then on their 10th anniversity of being master and padawan, Obi sends Qui on a scavenger hunt through the temple, allowing his master to see these memories from his perspective. Sage weaves together the simple plot of the scavenger hunt beautifully with what is revieled in the stones, making a beautiful story that make one feel good at the end.

    Quote from the story:
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    Current Mood: touched

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