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Friday, December 3rd, 2004

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    Jedi Exiles, by Nimori

    Original poster: emmagrant01

    Title: Jedi Exiles
    Author: Nimori
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Eight Jedi padawans know a secret no one will believe.
    Pairings: Several, but most notedly Obi/Bruck
    Author Email: nimorii @
    Reason for recommending: A glorious series, with much promise, but unfortunately -- a WIP. Nimori has very occasionally added on bits and pieces, but I'm not terribly hopeful she'll finish this highly original and complex series. *sniff* It's a wonderful AU, a what-if story of a group of padawans who rebel against the Order and leave to fight the Dark side themselves. Nimori captures adolescent angst and uncertainly so wonderfully. Absolutely worth a read, even though it's unfinished.

    Quote from the story: )

    Need & Discovery by Gail Riordan

    Original poster: the_emu

    (No, I'm not on the current list of contributers, but Thalia left me a little back door so I could sneak in to finish my recs from, like, August.)

    Title: Need & Discovery
    Author: Gail Riordan
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: Read More - Possible Spoilers )
    Author contact stuff: [info]lferion,

    (Story was originally published in the zine Rituals and Meditations.

    Link to story: (2 parts!)

    Reasons for recommending:
    Now, I've never developed any sort of scientific, taxonymic method by which to compare, but I do believe this is the hottest Q/O fic ever written.

    At its most basic level, it's a plot that has been done by quite a few (wonderful) fics, but this one is on a whole 'nother level.

    Qui-Gon is fresh home from a mission in which he was (essentially) a sex slave, and he's having trouble dealing with the emotional impact of having his desires exposed. He has been brought to a point of almost quiet desperation: he pleasures himself, he penetrates himself with toys, but he can't find the physical or emotional stimulation he was 'trained' to need during the mission.

    Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is awakening to his own sexuality, and his sexuality is pointing in the obvious direction. He loves Qui-Gon, he desires him, he hurts for him, but he doesn't want to make things any more difficult than they already are. So, like a Jedi, like a man who has the maturity to deserve an adult relationship, Obi-Wan researches and plans and tenderly cares for Qui-Gon's concerns.

    There is no high drama, no tantrums, no crumbling self-esteem. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are tentative, vulnerable, but they're men and they're mature and they're thinkers, scholars, philosophers, everything that I think Jedi should be. Gail doesn't need to compromise any of that to create angst. The whole story yearns.

    Every writer has their strengths; Gail's are a shameless hedonism for language, a wonderful insight into characters in all their depth and nuance, and best of all, a thorough and perfect ability to hit all my kinks, every time.

    Quote from story: Qui-Gon, my Master, was half-lying on his side with his back mostly to the door... )

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