TPM Flashback's Journal
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Monday, November 8th, 2004

    Time Event
    time for new reccers

    Original poster: darththalia

    I just realized that the current round is coming to a close next Monday, November 15. Time flies!

    Huge thanks to our current reccers, [info]karitawyr, [info]gloriana,[info]elayna88, [info]batagur, [info]raina_at, [info]helens78 and [info]glasshouseslive. There have been some great recs recently, and I've loved being reminded of all of them. I haven't yet tracked down who still owes what, but if you're behind, please try to get caught up this week. If you can't, no biggie.

    And now, we need another seven reccers. The current reccers aren't eligible, but everyone else is. You'll need to commit to reccing one story a week for eight weeks, November 16 through January 3. (2005! Ack!) If you think you're interested, you might want to check out the stories that have already been mentioned to make sure you'll be able to come up with eight more--you can see the recs already made, sorted various ways, from the Links section on the left side of the [info]tpm_flashback page.

    To volunteer, leave your name and e-mail address in the comments, along with days you'd either prefer or want to avoid. The first seven people to volunteer will be chosen.

    Any stories involving characters from the Star Wars prequels are allowed--gen, het, slash, any pairing.

    Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

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