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Saturday, October 9th, 2004

    Time Event
    Padawan Learner by Tue

    Original poster: elayna88

    Title: Padawan Learner
    Author: Tue
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
    Warnings: )
    Author's website:
    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: Padawan Learner is an unusual story for me to recommend, as normally I wouldn't have made it past the first few pages. There be darkness at the Jedi Temple, a darkness that has battered Obi-Wan both emotionally and physically. But I soldiered on because the fic had been rec'ced, and I'm glad I did. Obi-Wan is wounded, but he still has a resolute determination and inner strength that feels very true to the canon character. Qui-Gon has been wounded too, by Xanatos' defection to the dark side, and is deeply conflicted by the relationship in which he finds himself with Obi-Wan. The trust and love that grows slowly between the two as they learn about each other and develop their Master-Padawan relationship simply makes me melt, and seems particularly true and moving, having triumphed over such a troubled beginning.

    their first meeting… guh )

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