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Monday, October 4th, 2004

    Time Event
    Carefully Everywhere Descending by Jane St.Clair

    Original poster: raina_at

    Title: Carefully Everywhere Descending
    Author: Jane St. Clair
    Rating: PG
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: Warnings )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:

    Link to story: Carefully Everywhere Descending

    Reasons for recommending: What can I say? Yes, Obi-Wan's characterisation doesn't ring entirely true for me. But oh dear, the language. The images. The play of light and shadow. The deep silence of the piece. I just adore her style, her way of creating atmosphere, the almost meditativ calm of the story. This - for me - is a pure mood piece, and a beautiful one at that. I come back to this story often, sometimes at night when I need a sense of quiet, sometimes at day when I try to recapture a certain mood for writing. Jane St.Clair's writing influenced my own.
    Her other stories are on the website, I recommend reading all of them, especially "Breath", the sequel to "Carefully Everywhere Descending".

    Quote from story: Quote )

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