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Sunday, October 3rd, 2004

    Time Event
    A Prize of War by Karita Wyr

    Original poster: elayna88

    Title: A Prize of War
    Author: Karita Wyr
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairings: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
    Author's LJ: [info]karitawyr
    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: I read "A Prize of War" as a WIP, and loved having each new piece appear unexpectedly in my inbox. Though an AU where Obi-Wan is not a Jedi, the story plausibly works them into a Master/Padawan-type relationship, then allows their relationship (with loads of lovely angsty yearning for each other) to slowly develop over a period of months as the pair handles a variety of interesting missions. Thus, the fic has two of my favorite things – a "what if?" concept, as well as lots of Jedi actually *being* Jedi, demonstrating their skills as investigators, negotiators, and warriors. And kilts too! Yum.

    various snippets from the fic )

    Noise by Ladonna King

    Original poster: gloriana

    Oops, did a Sunday go by in there? Not two, surely?? Well, I'm catching up on one today, but I'm going to save the other for a special occasion :)

    Title: Noise
    Author: Ladonna King
    Rating: NC17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: Read More - potential spoilers )
    Author's LJ id: [info]ciceqi. Ladonna is also generally known as 'Sleeps with Coyotes'; her current email addy and website urls are not the ones in the earlier recs for her stories, but these:
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: I think the fact that Ladonna has garnered two recs already, even though half her TPM stories aren't even up on the M-A archive, speaks volumes for how popular a writer she is. Basically, she can hack the angst, and if that doesn't get you a readership, writing hot sex will. As for the plot, her notes say it all: [Written] In response to Dixiebell's turning-the-tables challenge where Qui-Gon is the one hurting over Obi-Wan for a change... Ladonna is a very specific taste, but it just happens to be one that appeals to a lot of people. As you might be able to tell, I'm a bit ambivalent about her writing, but this is one of two of her stories that I regularly return to (oddly, neither have yet been recced). For the chair sex alone, this story is worth the retread, even though the ending doesn't quite have the punch of the journey towards it.

    Quote from story: Shivering constantly, Obi-Wan nearly slumped back )
    Extra comments: Read More - includes links and spoilers )

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