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Friday, October 1st, 2004

    Time Event
    Waiting Place by Rachael Sabotini

    Original poster: darththalia

    [info]glasshouseslive is out of action, so she asked me to post this for her--and I'm happy to, because it's one of my favorite stories, too.

    Title: Waiting Place

    Author: Rachael Sabotini

    Rating: NC17

    Pairing: Q/O

    Warnings:Read more... )

    Author's lj id: [info]wickedwords

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: OMG! What an angst-fest. This is a true classic, from the heady days of December, 1999. If you missed it the first time, you must run, not walk to the link above.

    The characterization is wonderful. The story takes its own time being told, and switches from present to *two* past story lines, in order to unravel the emotional state that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon must overcome. At stake is Obi-Wan's mental and physical well being, their Master/Apprentice bond, and Obi's Knighthood. Not to mention their True Love.

    Because the story is from '99, she explores themes that have almost become cliche in the fandom. Obi's need to belong; Qui angsting over their bond. But this is no wimpy!Obi or Groveling!Qui. When you read the story, it's as if those common TPM elements were being invented for the first time. After all, there's only so many TPM topics to write about. The really good writers make them fresh each time.

    Quote from story:

    Read more... )

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