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Wednesday, September 29th, 2004

    Time Event
    Crystallize by torch

    Original poster: batagur

    My next Reality-check Wednesday offering is a little different. This one is pre-slash and does not include the high angst factor of Qui-Gon's death. Instead, it is full of believable realities of a Jedi's life.

    Title: Crystallize by torch

    Catagory: POV, action-adventure, drama, pre-slash

    Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan (undeveloped pre-slash relationship), Obi-Wan/Other (implied)

    Rating: PG-13

    Warnings and spoilers:  )

    Link to the story:

    Author's LJ and email: [info]flambeau,
    Authors web page:

    Reason for recommending:

    This story, to me is the quintessential illustration of a well-crafted pre-slash story. It is first and foremost an adventure story, well written and rich with depth and texture that carry the reader into the heart of the story. We are with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan as they experience the clean crisp cold and the peace of a sleeping frozen planet. We follow their thoughts and feelings against a backdrop of snow and solitude. We experience the rising tension in an evolving relationship that is wrapped in an illusory coat of casual familiarity. The author weaves such an enchanting picture that you simple slip in.

    Quote )

    The Sistah gets prolix. Mild spoiliers beyond: )

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