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Tuesday, August 24th, 2004

    Time Event
    Shmi's Choice by Apache

    Original poster: bant

    I was just checking lj, wondering what tonights TPM rec would be and I realized that would be me. So here it is.

    Title:Shmi's Choice

    Warnings: Het
    Author's (this is dated from '99 so may not be working) or there is another listed with this story but squidge is acting up.
    Link to story:

    Connection on the archve is variable. The past few times have been incredibly slow.

    Reasons for recommending: I thought I'd recommend something completly different this week. As much as I love Q/O, I thought I would open some new territory.It's been a long time since I read this story. At least four years so I had to do a little research to find the site as the author had pulled many of her TPM stories off the internet. I think most of them are back on one site or another.This is one of the very first TPM stories I read. You could call it pre-slash, as I hadn't read or discovered the world of Q/O yet. ;) It's an incredibly well-written story from a totally different angle than we MA list readers are used to by an author who is published professionally under another name.

    Quote )

    You can find more stories by Apache at

    A Matter of Perspective by Rushlight

    Original poster: elance

    Title: A Matter of Perspective
    Author: Rushlight
    Rating: R
    Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
    Warnings: None.
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: [info]rushlight75
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: While not as overtly sexual as some of my other recommendations, and, indeed, not nearly as much as some of Rushlight's other stories, this one always ends up touching me deeply on every reread. First published in the first Living Force zine, this story is a simple discovery of a love that may be almost too late. Vivid, emotionally intense, and all the better for the ambiguous ending.

    Quote from story: Here, at the end of things, it seemed he had spent his entire life in servitude, )

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