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Wednesday, August 11th, 2004

    Time Event
    Purple Dreams, by Ide Cyan

    Original poster: siubhan

    Title: Purple Dreams
    Author: Ide Cyan
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: S/M
    Warnings: Read more... )
    Author's email:
    Link to story: Purple Dreams

    Reasons for recommending: Portrait of Maul as a brutal codependent. Chilling and effective. It'll creep you out and break your heart all at the same time.

    Quote from the story: Read more... )

    This week's pro publishing pimping will be for China Miéville. His first book, King Rat, is an interesting mix of London youth and sewer mythology, but he really shines in his second and third books: Perdido Street Station and The Scar. Both are set in the same fantastical world, a world that's gritty and harsh and incredibly unfair, where people are "remade" when they commit crimes, and by "remade," I mean physically (and cruelly). Both books are massive tomes, but don't let that scare you. They're both worth your investment of time. (And he does have a fourth book out, but it just came out in hardback so I haven't read it yet.)

    Memory Circuits, by Basingstoke

    Original poster: darthfox

    this is me beginning to chip away at my six-rec deficit. thanks to [info]darththalia and all the rest of y'all for your patience with my summer of complete insanity.

    Title: Memory Circuits
    Author: Basingstoke
    Rating: i'd call it G.
    Pairing: R2-D2/C-3PO, which i'm hoping is acceptable on the technicality that they were, after all, both in TPM.
    Warnings: if any )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: e-mail: bas @ yosa . com ; website: ; LJ id: [info]basingstoke
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: This is actually one of a series, which if I remember correctly bas began partly on a lark (with "Parts", also at her site) and partly as a sort of act of rebellion against the oppressive OTP-ness that was, trust me, more a feature of this fandom then than now -- and then continued because, as she points out, "droids need love too." I had some things to say when AotC came out about how the droids' storyline ran sort of parallel to the humans' storyline, in an almost Shakespearean sense, and compared R2-D2 to Puck; this story is the best (the only!) thing I've seen that treats the droids as characters rather than devices, and I adore it.

    Quote from story: 'The Old Republic. I can't even imagine what that was like.' The boy looked misty. )

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