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Friday, August 6th, 2004

    Time Event
    Cutwork by Rachel Sabotini

    Original poster: capra_maritimus

    Title: Cutwork: A Tapestry Of Pleasure And Pain
    Author: Rachael Sabotini
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: READ THESE!! )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: (Does anyone know if this is still working?)
    Link to story: (Her site seems to be gone so I've linked to the M_A archive.)

    Reasons for recommending:

    Oh my fucking god. I say this because normally I'm not at all into heavy kink. [On the sexuality flavour spectrum, I'm maybe strawberry.] However, there's just something about this story that makes me reread it over and over again. After a couple (hundred!) of rereads it hit me: there is more going on in the story here than just kinky sex. [Incredibly hot kinky sex, yeah.] There's intrigue and undercover work and angst -- and it's all set up so subtly that it's easy to miss the first time in the intensity of the character's emotions.

    Quote from story: The opening paragraphs.... )

    More discussion: Read more... )

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