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Monday, August 2nd, 2004

    Time Event
    "Into the Light" by Master Elayna

    Original poster: bant

    Title:Into the Light
    Author:Master Elayna
    Rating:Really good! NC-17
    Warnings: None

    LJ [info]elayna88

    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: Pirate Qui! Billowy pirate shirts of translucent cotton, thigh high leather boots and tight pants. Virginal but steadfast Obi. Romance on the high seas. Shirt-ripper romance.

    I didn't read ARs before this story. It converted me. Even after all these years it is still is one of my favourite Q/O stories. I remember printing it out on a rainy Saturday and spending the afternoon reading it. Elayna is the master of romance. And her AR plots maybe considered somewhat formulaic as romances can be but they never disappointing or tired. There is an intensity in the Q/O relationship that supersedes its fantasy based environs. Better yet it's part of a trilogy and like Lucas's trilogies we await the third episode.

    Quote )

    More discussion, sequels, no real spoilers )

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