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Wednesday, July 28th, 2004

    Time Event
    Always Two, by Lisa and Joleymouse

    Original poster: siubhan

    Ahoy, Jedi scum! Your reign of earth-toned terror is over! Prepare to be boarded by the Sith! Bwah ha ha ha ha!


    But first, I'm going to pimp some professionally published fiction. Bear with me, it's topical. Lyda Morehouse has a great science fiction series that starts with the novel Archangel Protocol and continues through Fallen Host, Messiah Node, and Apocalypse Array. I bring it up here not only because it's wonderful fiction and because she's an author who deserves to have more fans than she actually does, but also because of the TPM slash connection. I sent her fan mail after reading Fallen Host because her Morningstar (yes, Satan) is so hurt/comforty. She mentioned that she'd been reading a lot of Q/O while writing it, and that it had rubbed off on her prose. Go! Buy the books now! Read them! Love them!

    Now on to the TPM fic recs.

    Title: Always Two
    Authors: Lisa and Joleymouse
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: S/M
    Author's email: Lisa's email is listed as I can't find one for Joleymouse
    Link to story: Always Two (at the SPEB archive)

    Reasons for recommending: Short, sweet, and amazing. To me, this will always be the quintessential Sidious/Maul story. This was the first S/M story I read, and I'm glad of it. Sidious does nothing for me, so if I'd started with anything else, I probably would never have read another S/M again. But the dynamic between the two of them is electric in the hands of a good author, and Lisa and Joleymouse fit the bill.

    Quote from the story: Read more... )

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