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Saturday, July 24th, 2004

    Time Event
    Someday, Out of the Blue by Tilt

    Original poster: mrshamill

    Almost forgot! My last rec -- this has been fun and interesting. I've gone back and re-read so many stories and had such a good time doing so. Thanks, [info]darththalia, for setting it up.

    Title: Someday, Out of the Blue
    Author: Tilt

    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O. Sorta. Heh.

    Warnings: Oh fer... )

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: I'm so damn lazy. I know Tilt (AKA Carol Meacham) recently posted on MA about her novel (okay, it wasn't that recent) and I even bought the damn thing. Can't remember now anything about her email or her LJ or her writer's list. Somebody save me (again)?

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: Huh? You need a reason why one of Tilt's stories is worth reading? Are you nuts?

    Anyway, I had a problem figuring out which one to rec. This one won for various reasons. But everyone needs to read her stuff, particularly the 'joke reel' stories and Caer Avalon. Just do it, okay? Trust me.

    Quote from story: You can drop me off on Korolis and be about your way, Khatar. )

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