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Wednesday, July 14th, 2004

    Time Event
    looking for volunteers for round 2

    Original poster: darththalia

    We're coming up on the end of the first eight weeks of recs; I hope everyone is enjoying them. It's been an interesting collection so far.

    I'm now taking volunteers for the next eight weeks, starting Tuesday, July 27--not quite two weeks from now. The first seven people who comment in this post will be the lucky reccers.

    Remember, stories of any type are allowed, as long as they involve prequel characters. We've seen a lot of Q/O, but other pairings are welcome--even encouraged--as are het and gen. If you want to rec, you need to have a good knowledge of the best prequel fanfic from the last five years. This group concentrates on "classics"--excellent stories that have been around a long time that people may have forgotten about--but newer stories that have that "classic" feel are welcome as well.

    So, if you think you're up to the challenge, comment here with your LJ name and e-mail address. Also, if there are certain days you'd prefer to be scheduled, or days I should avoid, let me know.

    As for the first group, so far, by my count, we've had 6 recs from [info]splix, 4 from [info]the_emu, 2 from [info]darthfox, 5 from [info]glasshouseslive, 6 from [info]gloriana, 7 from [info]ausmac, and 5 6 from [info]mrshamill. If you could plan on getting all 8 in by July 27, that would be great, since I'll be updating the posting access then. [info]darthfox, if you don't have time, that's fine--just catch up when you have a chance.

    Current Mood: chipper

    A Matter of Control by Analise

    Original poster: ausmac

    Tuesday was a bad day for me, sorry I’m late.

    Title: A Matter of Control
    Author: Analise
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: No warnings
    Author's LJ id, e-mail, and/or website: I am unable to located either a live journal or a very current email address for Analise. If anyone has one, please let me know. The one on the archived story is but that’s way old.
    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending:
    I loved this story the first time I read it way back in 1999. It hit all my buttons, I liked the story, the characters, the setting, and I still do.

    The title links to the story – control of a world, and control of one’s destiny. Obi-Wan, too, is caught up with matters of control, since he’s realised how much he desires his Master. Of course, he doesn’t realise Qui-Gon is battling with the same sorts of desire – though we know he too will eventually loose his control -- it’s one of those lovely UST stories.

    It also has a plot, which is neat, and alternating non-central character viewpoints providing background information to tie in the history of the situation, which is again something I like to see done. There is drama, an interesting storyline, and some of the best on-board-ship sex you’re likely to find. I read it now and find one or two things that slightly annoy me - the repeated use of the word “youth” when talking about Obi-Wan, for example, and an occasional rare, but not terribly critical, viewpoint slip - yet on the whole it reads as well now as it did then.

    Quote from the story:Read more... )

    Note to MA archivist the version on M/A contains errors (actually, the one I found was in the middle of my quotation) hence my use of the other archived version.

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