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Friday, July 9th, 2004

    Time Event
    Body Art I by Master Eliz-mar Von

    Original poster: mrshamill

    No, you're not seeing things, and yes, it's still Friday. But I have to work all day tomorrow, so I figured earlier is better than later.

    Title: Body Art I
    Author: Master Eliz-mar Von

    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O

    Warnings: If any, here: )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: The only email I have for her is, and I don't know if she's on LJ, or even where her site is! Somebody help me out here!

    Link to story:

    Reasons for recommending: Well, Duh.

    Actually, I waffled a bit over this one, since there are so many by Eliz-mar that I love, including The Choosing (okay, I don't love that one, I adore it), the Oraclyne series, The Question and, of course, Beloved Master, Beloved Padawan. Her stories are like potato chips, you can't just read one. But this one...

    Let me say up front that I know very, very little about BDSM. I've enjoyed reading stories that feature it (on occasion), and I suppose I can sorta tell when it's not caught right -- but I couldn't say why. This one just felt right. She writes in first-person and shifts POVs in each section so we get to hear what they're thinking as the story unfolds, and, well, I just knew it was correct. The emotions she captures are so clear and vibrant I could almost hear the words as spoken, feel the pain that was released.

    And she does an absolutely cool job describing a horrible mission gone wrong, to boot.

    Quote from story: Sigh... )

    Current Mood: tired

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