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Thursday, July 1st, 2004

    Time Event
    As Young As You Feel by Artemis

    Original poster: splix

    Ack, sorry this is a bit late. If I don't put my rec up by 10pm Mountain time, anyone can feel free to nudge me!

    Title: As Young As You Feel

    Author: Artemis

    Rating: NC-17

    Pairing: Q/O

    Warnings: None

    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: [info]yaoichick

    Link to Story: MA link:

    Reason for Recommending: There aren't a lot of Older!Qui and Obi fics out there, and fewer still that capture the real feeling of a long-term relationship. In this fic, Qui-Gon is on the cusp of his eightieth year, and Obi-Wan is forty-nine. Both men love each other dearly, but there are, unfortunately, obstacles...

    Artemis' dialogue is always crisp, fresh, and when it comes to the Jedi, very masculine. Her plotting is clear and straightforward, and she conveys emotion very effectively, heart-wrenchingly, even, but without resorting to OOC histrionics. Her stories are a pleasure to read, and this one is a particular favorite.

    Quote from story: You want me to do what?! )

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