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Tuesday, June 15th, 2004

    Time Event
    oh, CRAP.

    Original poster: darthfox

    i knew there was something else i meant to do yesterday.

    monday's rec will be coming this evening. i know what it is, i just need time to write it up.

    sorry, y'all.

    Current Mood: embarrassed

    An Element of Blank, by Sheila

    Original poster: darthfox

    reccer's note: [hand-wave] it is monday, june 14. [hand-wave] fox didn't miss her turn to recommend something. [hand-wave] so tomorrow is wednesday. big deal.

    Title: An Element of Blank
    Author: Sheila
    Rating: PG
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: schroedinger's warnings )
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: This is a rare thing -- a suffering Obi-Wan that doesn't piss me off. Instead of the poor soul from so many fics who weeps and cries and feels Neglected and Discarded, this Obi-Wan keeps his anguish to himself in a way that (a) I absolutely believe -- the characterization of both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon (and Anakin, for that matter) is absolutely consistent throughout the story; and (b) evokes so much more sympathy than some weepy whiner who tells everybody about his problems at all times whether they want to or not. This is how it's done.

    Quote from story: Throwing his feet over to perch on the side of the cot, he thought briefly about getting something cool to drink. )

    Darth Maul -v- Divine Oscillations

    Original poster: ausmac

    Author: Darth Ha'lo K'tee, then search for the story.
    Livejournal - [info]darthhellokitty
    No warnings

    Just to show you I don't only rec angst/dark fic...

    Sadly you can't write and tell the author what a very funny story this is, as no address is supplied. However, you can enjoy it, and a good chuckle.

    Like many of the Sith Academy stories, this is Not a Serious Work. In this twisted universe, Darth Maul shares an apartment building with Obi-Wan, and has a cat of naturally evil cat-like nature called My Apprentice. In this particular gem, Darth Maul is sent by his master on a rather unusual shopping trip.

    Read more... )

    It is totally, outrageously fun. Sometimes, the Force can be very funny.

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