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Sunday, June 13th, 2004

    Time Event
    Conflicting Loyalties by Trudy West

    Original poster: gloriana

    Title: Conflicting Loyalties
    Author: Trudy West
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Author's e-mail and LJ id: email to; lj username [info]truwest
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: Here's a long, serious story to balance out the sweet titbit from Augusta that I recommended last week. Trudy burst upon an unsuspecting M-A when at least two generations of fans had come and gone, and the thought of a vibrant new author was something to salivate over. So were her stories. Conflicting Loyalties is particularly ambitious in its scope: it begins with Qui-Gon's death, and then takes us to six years later, when Obi-Wan finds someone he didn't expect on Tatooine...and that someone isn't expecting, or welcoming, him either. Angst? Sexual tension? Trudy is a queen of both.
    Quote from story: Obi-Wan six years on from Naboo: )
    Extra comments: Read More )

    various stuff about links

    Original poster: darththalia

    Just FYI, the links section on the main [info]tpm_flashback page now has recs by date, recs by author and recs by title. If you're looking to see what stories have been recommended, that's a good place to start. The user info page has links to archives that have a lot of good stories.

    If you have other sites you'd like to see linked to, let me know. Two requirements:

    1. They have to be archives for lots of authors. If we start listing individual authors' sites, the page will go on forever. There are other sources for that.

    2. They have to generally be reliable sources of *good* stories. doesn't count. I know that's subjective, and I know not everyone will agree on which archives meet this requirement, but it's what I'd at least like to shoot for.

    Also, I'm still looking for artwork, if anyone feels inspired.

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