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Saturday, June 5th, 2004

    Time Event
    The Humanoid Sexual Techniques series by 'Chelle

    Original poster: mrshamill

    Doncha think it's about time SOMEone recced something funny? (I hope I'm doing this right....)

    Title: HST 01-10
    Author: 'Chelle
    Rating: ranges from PG to NC-17
    Pairing: Q/O
    Warnings: If any, here )
    Summary: Humanoid Sexual Techniques series: Obi Wan teaches sex ed, Jedi style -- with a little, uh, help from his master.
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id: I wish I knew -- I'm hoping someone reading this will let me know what her email is!
    Link to story: (number one)

    Reasons for recommending: These were some of the first stories I read on the archive. They are completely hilarious and extremely hot, even embarrasing at times. Poor virgin!Obi-Wan, forced to endure having his master help him teach a class on sex ed. What will happen? Will this mean they actually have sex? Will they have to demonstrate it to the class (all of whom are asking for it)? Will Qui-Gon be able to squeeze into one of those little desks with a boner? Will they ever get to the hetrosexual part of the class? Taken altogether, they're less than 200K, and worth every moment of it.

    Quote from story: Look here )

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