TPM Flashback's Journal
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Monday, May 31st, 2004

    Time Event
    updated template

    Original poster: darththalia

    Here's a new template. The only change is, all warnings should go behind an lj-cut tag. And I'd recommend leaving several blank lines after the warnings, so people can look at the story quote without seeing the warnings if they don't want to. It's not perfect, but I think it will work.

    The subject line should state the title and author of the story being recced.

    In the body of the post, include
    Warnings: Warnings are required for chan, rape/non-con and character death. In general, specify the warnings that the author used. All warnings should go behind an lj-cut tag. Leave several blank lines after the warnings (and before the </lj-cut>) so people will be able to avoid them while reading the story quote.
    Author's e-mail, web site and/or LJ id:
    Link to story:
    Reasons for recommending: A short, spoiler-free explanation of why this is a good story.

    Quote from story: Include a blurb from the story that gives readers a feel for the story. Put this behind an LJ-cut.

    Optionally, you can include some more detailed story discussion that includes spoilers. Put this behind a separate LJ-cut.

    call for art

    Original poster: darththalia

    If anyone feels like doing some art for [info]tpm_flashback, I'd love it. We could use a new icon or two--I just took a picture of my plushies because it was quick and easy. We could also use a drawing for the user info page, if anyone feels like it. And I'd consider some background art for the main journal page, bearing in mind that (a) the entries are wide enough that you can't see much background, and (b) it would have to be small enough to load reasonably quickly on a dial-up connection. If you have ideas for that, or for a journal layout, you might want to talk to me first--or if you're feeling creative, go for it.

    And if anyone wanted to make me a Q/O icon, I wouldn't complain. Right now I have a Q/J, but no Q/O. God help me.

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