April 25th, 2009

[info]blue_siofra in [info]torchwood_fic

Myfanwy's Story -G

Title: Myfanwy's Story
Author: [info]blue_siofra
Rating: G
Characters: Myfanwy
Summary: Myfanwy tells her story.
Warnings: It's humor, people.

Myfanwy's Story

[info]pocketotter in [info]torchwood_fic

Fic: Take Back the Night

Title: Take Back the Night
Author: Kei
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17, kink
Summary: Ianto has a unique way of dealing with any unresolved issues post-Cyberwoman. Set late season one.
Notes: I think I overuse hyphen-words.

'Tell me,' Jack says... )