May 24th, 2008

[info]_bad_wolf in [info]torchwood_fic

Fic: Comfort - Ianto/Jack - NC17 - Torchwood - Part: 4 & 5/?

Title: Comfort
Part: 4 & 5/?

Author: Celebrian.
Web page: @ LJ
@ IJ
Pairing: Ianto/ Jack
Rating: R (in general, this chapter probably PG15)
Summary: What happens after sleeping with the boss.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Angst – Spoilers for Small Worlds, Countrycide if you didn´t see it and eventually probably S1 in general-
Author’s notes: WIP. And for the record, I suck at summaries, sorry about that.
Part Five coming up, hopefully sometime during next week. SORRY it took this long to update the story. Lots of things happening all together. For those who are still interested in it, I´ve written up till chapter seven… so yes, more coming up, sooner or later ;)
Feedback: Is addictive and encouraging ;-)
Thanks to Beta [info]xibalba who is a saint and reads stories about a fandom she’s only heard me rambling about and [info]ru_salki99 and [info]plotbunniesinc Any remaining mistakes, all my fault.

Comfort Part 4
Comfort Part 5

Previous parts:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3