June 3rd, 2009

[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc


♦ Open to any ASIAN artists (both male and female).

♦ Read the rules first and all necessary information. Don't forget to check the claims/reserved list to make sure your muse of choice is still up for grabs! Remember that holds will only last for three days only.

♦ A player can only claim a maximum of 3 muses for the time being. Though we run anonymously, please respect the limit set. The limit will be raised a bit later in the game.

♦ Each muse must have a separate journal.

♦ Godmodding, Metagaming and Muse Squatting of any kind is not allowed. Big no no.

♦ Try to keep your muse in character. It doesn't have to be exact, but be reasonable (same as when deciding on an age and profession for your muse)

♦ ALL Logs are to be posted up at the main community. English only. Round robin style, 3rd person POV, and past tense.

♦ Constant one-line replies are frowned upon (that doesn't mean you need to write huge paragraphs, just give enough for your logging partner to respond to).

♦ Spell-check is around for a reason, to help. Please try to use it. We know everyone makes mistakes so don't worry if English is not your first language. StIcKY CaPs and net chat...no, please, no.

♦ Guidelines and formats are located here.

♦ BE ACTIVE! You joined to play right? To remain active, please participate in at least two logs per month.

♦ Activity checks will be done on the 5th of every month. Anyone found inactive will be cut and removed from the game. Reclaiming may be done one week after being cut.

♦ If you need to go on hiatus for whatever reason, please put up a hiatus notice in the OOC community. Don't leave those you're logging with hanging around wondering where you went off to! Hiatus periods will be a maximum of 30 days, after that a muse is considered gone and up for grabs.

♦ If you do not wish to continue playing, please post a drop notice in the OOC community or by contacting the mods.

♦ After being accepted a player is required to put up an information post for muse (background information that other players may want to know to help with plotting) We are not picky. Do it point form, extremely detailed or small details, put in extra information, appearance and personality. This is up to you as long as there is a little bit of info on your muse, the mods are happy. These posts can be used for plotting purposes.

♦ Muse journals can serve as the character's own LJ. This may be included with your activity for the month but only to a certain point (if there are only ever diary entries/posts to muse journal and no logs on the main community you will be listed as inactive).

♦ Respect the anonymity of other players. If a player wants to reveal who they are/what other characters they play, they can do so. Don't push if they wish to remain unknown.

♦ Mutual respect and courtesy is expected and demanded. Respect OTPs or whatever pairing that players decide on 'in game'. Don't go around forcing players to go along with your plots, or your OTPs. If someone says 'no' please respect that decision.

♦ Please reconsider joining if Slash (malexmale, femalexfemale) and Het (malexfemale) relationships disturb you. There is a possibility that such logs (including sexually explicit ones) will be made.

♦ IC drama is fun... but keep it IC. Don't bring OOC drama into the game either.

♦ A Moderator's decision will be final. They also have the right to cut muses if a player is breaking the rules. If you think rules are being overlooked by another, please notify the moderators. Don't assume mod power. Think the mods are in the wrong? Let us know. We're only human and we try to be fair.

♦ Rping is meant to be entertaining. SO HAVE FUN!

[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc



{DOCTORS} (4/6, 2 available, age limit 27+)
General Practice|| Psychiatric Ward || Emergency Room || Pediatricians
Practices medicine, and is concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and injury. ER doctors provides initial treatment to patients with a broad spectrum of illnesses and injuries, some of which may be life-threatening and requiring immediate attention. Pediatricians give care and treat patients who are infants to young adults.

{SURGEONS} (2/4, 2 available, age limit 27+)
Performs surgery. Surgery is a broad category of invasive medical treatment that involves the cutting of a body, for a specific reason such to remove a diseased organ or to repair a tear or breakage.

{NURSES} (5/5, 0 available, age limit 21+)
General/Emergency room || Psychiatric Ward
A health care professional, who along with other health care professionals, is responsible for the treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill or injured people, health maintenance of the healthy, and treatment of life-threatening emergencies in a wide range of health care settings.

{PARAMEDICS} (1/5, 4 available, age limit 21+)
Medical professional, usually a member of the emergency medical services, who primarily provides pre-hospital advanced medical and trauma care. A paramedic is charged with providing emergency on-scene treatment, crisis intervention, life-saving stabilization and transport of ill or injured patients to definitive emergency medical and surgical treatment facilities, such as hospitals and trauma centers.

{RECEPTIONISTS} (1/3, 2 available, age limit 16+)
The work is usually performed in a waiting area such as a lobby or front office desk, greeting any visitors, patients and making a good first impression. Answering telephones, route and screen calls. Gather patients’ personal and insurance information and direct them to the proper waiting rooms. making a good first impression. Receptionists and information clerks answer telephones, route and screen calls, greet visitors, respond to inquiries from the public, and provide information about the organization

{INTERNS} (5/5, 0 available, age limit 18+)
General || Psychiatric
A temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training. Interns are usually college or university students, but they can also be high school students or post graduate adults seeking skills for a new career. Internships provide the employers with cheap or free labor for (typically) low-level tasks (stereotypically including fetching coffee for the office), and also the prospect of interns' returning to the company after completing their education and requiring little or no training.

{JANITORS} (0/5, 5 available, age limit 16+)

{CAFETERIA} (0/5, 5 available, age limit 16+)

{PATIENTS} (4/15, 11 available)
General || Psychiatric
Have a general idea/understanding of what is wrong with your character if you want them in the psychiatric ward (illness).

[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc


Q: How realistic should I be?
A: We know a real life hospital isn't like what we see in ER, Scrubs or House...But this is a game. What's the fun of working in a hospital if there isn't the drama? The romance? The crazy of the ER where the impossible happens? Although this isn't real life, we do ask to be somewhat realistic. If you're a patient, know what you have, if you're the doctor treating the patient, have the basic idea of what the patient has and the treatment (ex. you wouldn't treat a patient with a broken arm to Chemotherapy). Wikipedia is always good for a quick peek if you want some research. :)
Q: Are we only allowed to log what goes on outside the hospital?
A: Of course not. Feel free to log outside of your character's work hours with a co-worker, friend or ex-patient, etc.
Q: Where and when does this RP take place?
A: Current setting is Tokyo, Japan in the present time.

Q: How much detail is required for the extended background information?
A: After being accepted a player is required to put up an information post for muse (background information that other players may want to know to help with plotting) We are not picky. We would like at least the profile (name, age, birthday, height, weight) and at least a brief bit of history.

Do it point form, extremely detailed or small details. Put in extra information, appearance and personality. This is all up to you as long as there is a little bit of info on your muse, the mods are happy. These posts can be used for plotting purposes, keeping track of set relationships and current plots.

[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc


The subject line of the RP LOG is used for the title and let players know if the log is OPEN (anyone can join in) or CLOSED (open to certain players):
[LOG TYPE] Title
ex. [CLOSED] Hi! My name is Title...

Use the next format below for ALL RP LOGS:
Characters: [Required if log is closed, and make sure those involved agreed to the log]
Setting: [Location and time, ex. hospital cafeteria, 10:20 AM]
Warning: [Things that a reader might want to know before reading]
Summary: [Short description of the log]

c: character name
r: rating (pg, pg-13, r, nc-17)
.status (complete or discontinued)
[ex. .complete, c: akanishi jin, c: yokoyama yu, r: pg]



1 RP day = 7 RL days
Day changes will be put up every Sunday (noon-midnight GMT-7) with the weather as well as the occasional plot devices. Each season will last 10 RP days.

If you have more questions, please direct them here.

[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc




Aiba Masaki [info]aibaka intern (general)
Sakurai Sho [info]otonoha doctor (emergency room)
Matsumoto Jun [info]matsjun intern (general)

Seto Kouji [info]setomaru patient (general)

Akanishi Jin [info]medicjin paramedic
Ueda Tatsuya [info]doctortatsuya doctor (psychiatric)
Kamenashi Kazuya [info]kuruwaseru patient

Yokoyama Kimitaka (Yokoyama You) [info]youtaka patient (general)
Ohkura Tadayoshi [info]ohkuratadayoshi surgeon
Yasuda Shota [info]__shochan patient (psychiatric)

Nishikido Ryo [info]nishikidoryomd doctor (emergency room)
Kato Shigeaki [info]shigerigoto receptionist (emergency room)
Tegoshi Yuya [info]tegoshi_rn nurse (emergency room)
Yamashita Tomohisa [info]hallelujahkon intern (psychiatric ward)
Masuda Takahisa [info]massu_rn nurse (general)

Keiko Kitagawa [info]nursekeiko nurse (general)
Ikuta Toma [info]tomasu intern (general)
Yuri Ebihara [info]nurseebi_chan nurse (psychiatric ward)
Horikita Maki [info]makii intern (general)
Kuroki Meisa [info]lameisa nurse (general)
Sawajiri Erika [info]meanbeauty_ doctor (emergency room)


Kim Hyun Joong [info]kimhyunjoong surgeon


[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc


♦ Read and agreed to the rules?
♦ Checked the claims/reserved list to make sure your desired character is free? (we will try to keep this updated often)
♦ Checked to see if the position you want is available?
♦ Have your muse journal ready? Or plan to make one after being accepted?
♦ Holds last for three days only.
♦ Once accepted, join the main community, the ooc community, friend all journals, turn off IP logging. You have one week after joining to put up a background/history post before we assume that you are no longer interested in the game and the claimed muse will be up for grabs once more.

Copy + paste the following format to fill out before posting it to this entry. Do not hesitate to contact that mod journal if you wish to discuss things privately before hand.

Comments will be deleted as applications are accepted & denied

[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc


To add all of the muse journals, copy the text below, paste it into the Admin Console, and click "execute."

*remember to join [info]tokyobyouin & [info]tokyobyouin_ooc separately. Adding them below will only allow you to watch the communities*


[info]tokyobyouinmod in [info]tokyobyouin_ooc


Look here to see which characters are wanted by current players or let the mods know to put a name on the list!



Ohno Satoshi
Ninomiya Kazunari

Endo Yuya
Yanagi Kotaro
Nakamura Yuichi
Igarashi Shunji
Wada Masato
Kaji Masaki
Suzuki Hiroki
Araki Hirofumi
Nakagawa Shingo
Yanagishita Tomo
Makita Tetsuya
Nakamura Masaya
Usui Masahiro
Mikami Masashi
Adachi Osamu
Any from D-boys...

Maruyama Ryuhei
Murakami Shingo
Shibutani Subaru

Taguchi Junnosuke
Tanaka Koki
Nakamaru Yuichi

Koyama Keiichiro

Kazama Shunsuke
Hasegawa Jun
Oguri Shun


July 2009

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