Jul. 9th, 2009


[CLOSED] The dorkiest "date" ever.

Characters: Ueda Tatsuya and Ohkura Tadayoshi
Setting: Cafe La Boheme, Shibuya... and to a nearby mall. [DAY 4, 6PM]
Warning: Ohkura/Ueda cuteness overload and EPIC length. :P
Summary: As promised, the neurosurgeon helps the psychiatric doctor gain some weight... in a manner unconventional to the latter.

Looking at his watch, Tadayoshi Ohkura settled at the outdoor couple seats sheltered by a crimson umbrella. It was already five minutes before their promised time, yet there was still no sign of the psychiatric ward doctor. It was queer of Tatsuya to be late, but he thought it was forgivable considering that he is a guy meticulous of his looks. He wondered well what sort of preparations he had undergone for this meet, given that fact. Did he bathe in milk, or rose petals even? Did he spray himself with Dior or Burberry? Of course he was exaggerating with those questions, he smiled as he fixed his light gray terrycloth jacket. He could tell that most of the people were looking at him, as if wondering why he was wearing such a questionable get-up in such a posh place. But he didn't mind as he looked further down to fix his rubber shoes.

Jul. 6th, 2009


[CLOSED] Rendezvous at the Psych Ward

Characters: Ueda Tatsuya and Ohkura Tadayoshi
Setting: Psych Ward [Day 3; 3pm]
Warning: none
Summary: The surgeon and the doctor set up a meeting in the psych ward.

In rare occasions, Dr. Ueda finds himself preparing the psych ward more specifically the music room for his certain guest. He's going to meet Ohkura the same time his scheduled performance for the kids starts. He checks everything is in order, the kids are well behaved and most importantly the ambiance of the room. He then claps and like the blinds in the hallway, it also automatically opened and shone light to the said room. Now all he needs to do now is to start the show and wait for his guest.

Jul. 1st, 2009


[CLOSED] A mystery call?

Setting: Staff room/E.R locker room (DAY 3, 11:30 AM)
Characters: Ikuta Toma and Tegoshi Yuya
Warning: none.
Summary: Yuya finally gets a reply for his application in the form of a mystery call.

Wait, was it really mysterious? )

Jun. 29th, 2009


[CLOSED] There's Always Tomorrow

Setting: Kamenashi's hospital room (7:42 pm)
Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya, Akanishi Jin
Warning: n/a
Summary: By accident, Jin finds out that Kame's been throwing his food out the window.

He poured out the soup first. )

Jun. 25th, 2009


[CLOSED] coffee and comfort

Setting: Staff room to cafeteria, 10:27 (10:27am).
Characters: Horikita Maki & Tegoshi Yuya.
Warning: None.
Summary: After all that happened in the morning, Maki spies a discouraged Yuya, and offers him coffee and comfort.

Here, have some coffee, and cheer up! )