Hogwarts - The Next Generation's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Hogwarts - The Next Generation

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[15 Feb 2008|12:31am]

Who: Lucy and (gasp!) Chuck
Where: Outside the Great Hall (ball)
What: Bickering and eventual reunion
When: Valentine's day, when else?
Rated: Who knows?

Lucy sat, slumped against the wall in her dress. She didn't care if it got wrinkled. A dress was just a dress. She was more concerned about herself than a piece of material, anyways.

Basically, Lucy had spent the entire evening up until then, sitting in the very same spot comtemplating an entrance. Sure, many couples and a few singles had past her already, some giving her fleeting looks of concern, others not even bothering to look in her direction. But she wasn't really occupied with their thoughts. Only a certain boy's thoughts. Certain ex boy's thoughts, rather. And whether or not he had a charming young lady friend by his side.

Lucy couldn't bear the sight of it. Seeing him with Nat had turned her stomach and positively made her sick. How could she stand to see him dancing and touching someone else? No. No, she couldn't.

And so it was decided. Lucy Toots was not attending the ball she was sitting outside of. But, in attempt to not look desperate, she decided to wait just a bit longer, minutes really, before going back to her dorm. She didn't want to look pathetic and foolish in front of the younger years.
38 +cause drama

[14 Feb 2008|12:39am]

Who: Lucy Toots and August Wood
What: Sympathy and a snog
Where: Kitchens
When: Wednesday night after curfew
Rated: PG-13

Lucy sat at one of the tables in the kitchens. She wasn't eating, and it had taken alot to convince the elves to leave the food and go away, but she'd managed it. They were a bit suspicious though they asked no questions as the girl merely looked at the dishes in front of her. She hadn't eaten for a while, or at least, no more than a small serving to keep herself alive. Mostly, she was sticking to water. Weight was the only thing she could control anymore.

Silently, blankly, she stared. Tears were falling readily, but she didn't wipe them away. That would require energy, and poor Lucy had none. She really didn't even have the energy to go back to her dorm, which was why she'd been sitting there for 4 hours already. No one missed her anyways. Who would?

She was right in the middle of this depressing thought when she heard the door of the kitchens open. It was the first time that night she'd been interrupted, but she didn't bother to cover up the fact that she was upset and crying. She just sat there, stone faced, and ignored the sound.
9 +cause drama

[13 Feb 2008|01:18pm]

Who: Gemma and OTA
What: We'll see
Where: Library
When: Feb 13, afternoon

Gemma stood at the bookshelf just staring at the binds of the various pieces of literature. Nothing was screaming 'Read me!' Not that she would have been alright with that seeing as books shouldn't be able to talk, but anything would have been nice. Her boredom was eating away at her. She wanted to cause some mischief, or shag in the prefects bathroom again. Something, anything would be better than just staring at those god-awful boring books.
cause drama

[11 Feb 2008|01:07pm]

WHO: Zach and OTA
WHAT: Anything, really
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: The lawn

Zachary took his dinner out onto the steps of the school. He wanted to be able to do some homework in peace. He finished the last line, closed the book, and picked up his chicken drumstick. Zachary liked to get his work done early. It meant he could go to bed on time.
2 +cause drama

[10 Feb 2008|07:58pm]

Who: Serena and Open
What: Attempting studiousness (what a laugh!)
Where: The Library
When: Sunday night

It was a very rare occasion indeed to find Serena Inglebee curled up in one of the old stuffed arm chairs in one of the dusty old corners of the library. It wasn't that she was all beauty and no brains. On the contrary, Serena was actually rather brilliant. She was just flighty. And had the attention span of a flea. Her foot was jiggling over the arm of the chair. She'd gone through about five of her text books already, skimming and barely retaining any information, but at least she looked smart, yeah?
41 +cause drama

[10 Feb 2008|05:20pm]

Who: James and open
What: Meditation (aka Flying)
Where: The Quidditch Pitch
When: Sunday evening

With everything that had been happeing lately, it was really a miracle that James' head hadn't exploded yet. Mostly, he tried not to think about it, which seemed to be the best policy. Unfortunately this did not work part of the time, and so he had to find other ways to keep from flipping out.

James found flying to be incredibly theraputic. He'd recomend it to everyone if he could, but he wasn't stupid. He was well aware that some people were just miserable on a broom, which was really too bad, because he personally found it to be rather enjoyable. He'd often find himself in a near trance-like state while flying (though not so much when playing Quidditch) that was particularly useful in clearing his mind for lengthy periods of time. The only problem with this, of course, was that he was especially vulnerable. That is to say, someone could easilly sneak up on him without him noticing them. This could definitely prove to be somewhat dangerous if people weren't careful. Not that he didn't enjoy a bit of danger now and then.
9 +cause drama

[09 Feb 2008|11:05pm]

Who: Scarlet and Chuck
What: Detention
Where: Trophy room
When: Saturday night
Rating: PG-13

Having been caught out in the corridors after hours, Scarlet was now stuck in midnight detention. The punishment was to be spent polishing trophies. Needless to say, Scarlet was less than pleased about her sentence, but she was pleased to hear that she would not be spending the time alone. They say misery loves company, after all.

Sighing softly at the numerous trophies just waiting to be buffed, Scarlet waited for her company to arrive.
54 +cause drama

[08 Feb 2008|08:15am]
Who: Lisa and OTA
Where: Hufflepuff Common Room
When: Friday afternoon
Rating: TBD

Lisa had settled herself down upon the floor of the Hufflepuff common room, her back resting against the front of one of the couches. Sprawled around her were several pieces of pink, red, and white paper, vials of different colors of glittery powder, bottles of silver and gold ink, and numerous other crafty items she'd gathered together for her project.

She was determined to make a valentine for everyone she knew that year, and so had gotten a head start on the holiday. The stack to her left of completed valentines looked tiny in comparison to the disaster surrounding her, but Lisa was set in her mission, and if it meant staying up all night on February the 13th, she'd get the things done.

She was in the midst of applying golden glitter to Cassandra's valentine when the impulse to sneeze struck, and before she knew what was happening, her hands flew up and the gold dust flew in every direction, showering everything in immediate vicinity. "Great," she groaned, looking down at the valentine she had been working on, the only one which seemed to have escaped the glitter, of course.
cause drama

[07 Feb 2008|10:04pm]

Who: Lance and Jenny
What: Eating a Late Dinner
Where: Kitchens
When: After Dinner
Rating: TBA

For the third time that week Lance had been so wrapped up in his studies that he had forgotten dinner, which wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't only Thursday. Normally he would just munch on whatever he had in his dormitory, but seeing as it was the third time this week his stash had become increasingly low. So he had the choice of either not eating or actually going down to the kitchens.

Seeing as he was quite hungry, he chose the kitchens, an option that he rarely chose. Once he got down to the kitchens, he made himself a small salad. He made it himself not wanting to trouble the house elves. Then, he sat himself at a table in the corner, tying to keep out of the way.
9 +cause drama

[07 Feb 2008|09:52pm]

Who: Bella and OTA
What: Dozing Off
Where: By the Lake
When: Afternoon
Rating: TBA

Bella was doing her charms essay, well was about five minutes before. She had gotten bored with the essay quite quickly and had shoved it back in her school bag where it couldn't so blatantly taunt her work ethic, or lack there of. It wasn't her fault teachers assigned such dry topics. Well it was a combination of that and the fact that she had spaced out on the lectures in which the topic was from.

So instead of doing her homework Bella stretched out under the nice, shady tree, enjoying the fact that she could pretend her essay did not exist. She closed her eyes for a moment, accidentally dozing off under the tree.
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[07 Feb 2008|02:09am]

Who: Diego and OTA
What: Diego broke his arm during quidditch practice
Where: The hospital wing
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: TBD

Diego had fallen off of his broom during quidditch practice - Madame Hornby had set it and regrew the broken bone, but Diego was feeling a little woozy from the bone regrowing process. He was a tough guy, but sometimes tough guys have off days.

He sat on the edge of his hospital bed, kicking his legs, hoping that someone would come visit him, or that another student would enter so that he could have some sort of conversation - he couldn't concentrate on his schoolwork, and he was BORED.
2 +cause drama

[06 Feb 2008|11:50pm]

Who: Chuck, Nat, and Lucy
What: Flirting, sexual frustration, and a break-up
Where: The hallway... Wherever
When: Wednesday evening

Actually, I prefer it when they're not talking. )
21 +cause drama

[06 Feb 2008|10:35pm]

Who: Lily and Zach
Where: Gryffindor
When: The afternoon, Feb 6

Lily had lost track of how long she'd been sitting in the common room staring at the fire. She watched the flames dance with each other, flickering this way and that as they licked at the wood. Absent-mindedly playing with the ends of the sleeves of her dad's sweatshirt, which she practically lived in, she started making a story out of the flames. She created characters out of each flame. To her, there was something romantic about the fire.
39 +cause drama

[06 Feb 2008|10:03pm]

WHO: Ned and Daphne
WHERE: Prefect's Bathroom
WHEN: Wednesday Afternoon

Daphne had spent an hour deciding what to wear. It wasn't like she was going to be wearing it all that long, but it was a really difficult process. She'd built her outfit from the underwear up and finally settled on what to wear before rushing to be on time to meet Ned outside the prefect's bathroom.

She hoped the password hadn't changed since last time.

She danced in front of the door as if she had to pee. Daphne had settled on changing her underwear into a matching bra and panties and then putting her school uniform back on. She didn't want Ned to think she'd tried too much.
22 +cause drama

[06 Feb 2008|02:13am]

WHO: Daphne and Victoire
WHERE: Victoire's Office
WHEN: After class Tuesday

Daphne knocked on Victoire's door. She hoped she wasn't busy, and there didn't need to be anyone else in the room. Daphne was already nervous enough without having another student there to make her feel awkward. All of these thoughts were hitting her as she waited such a short time for Victoire to answer the door. Was she way in over her head?
13 +cause drama

[05 Feb 2008|09:34am]

Who: Scorpius and open to another Slytherin! Preferably someone that Scorpius gets along with!
What: Sharing conversation!
When: Tuesday morning.
Where: The Slytherin common room.
Rating: To be announced! For now, PG?

Scorpius lay sprawled on a large, plush, green and silver chaise lounge, in the Slytherin common room. While most of his peers and fellow students were in the Great Hall, enjoying their morning porridge and toast, the Malfoy heir was certainly not, having earlier awoken with a distinctly unsettled stomach. Thusly deciding to skip breakfast altogether, in favour of brewing a quick Pepper-Up Potion, Scorpius soon found himself making for a timely recovery. He didn’t feel half as ill, now. And really, he might even make his first class, after all.

Staring upward, at the Dungeons’ decrepit ceilings, Scorpius toyed mindlessly with a stray wisp of his long, white-blonde hair, thoroughly relishing the silence that surrounded him. Despite the fact that his thoughts were, lately, predominately stuck on his impending nuptials (however arranged), the sixteen year old was in an unusually affable mood.
1 +cause drama

[04 Feb 2008|02:11pm]

WHO: Victoire and Neville
WHAT: Victoire needs a man, and quick.
WHEN: Monday Afternoon.

Victoire wasn't quite sure what posessed her to go to Neville Longbottom's office. At first, it started with little things--such as wearing something nice and applying a little more makeup that average. She had just wanted to feel better about herself after news of Teddy's new relationship had found its way to her. However, as the day went on, the worst she felt. The decision to hit on Neville hadn't really solidified until she was near his hall. Then it just seemed to click.

Knocking on the door lightly, she cleared her throat and tried to find something intelligent to say. She knew that likely this was going to go no where...Neville didn't seem like the type to hit on a girl half his age.

Then again, she was part veela...
19 +cause drama

[04 Feb 2008|12:18am]

WHO: Blair and Aubrey
WHAT: A talk in the RoR
WHEN: Sunday Night

Aubrey went into the room of requirement. He had set it up as a cozy room with a couple comfy chairs (a couch, a chair, a chaise lounger), a fireplace, and a bucket of ice with drinks submerged in it.

He sat on a couch and waited for Blair, holding something large wrapped in brown paper.
26 +cause drama

[30 Jan 2008|11:07am]

Who: Rose and OTA (more than one, this will be open for a while)
What: Her relatives and close friends visit her in the hospital wing
When: Over the course of the week (she'll be in there from Sunday until about Thursday)
Where: Hospital wing
Rating: PG-13? Probably just conversations

Rose had her own room in the hospital wing - she had been missing from her classes all week, but she was keeping up with work, as Professor McGonagall had brought her books to her on Monday morning (and a friend had brought her journal). She didn't feel up to leaving, yet. She felt completely violated and emotionally drained. Eating was difficult, but she was taking nutritional supplement potions. Rose was feeling considerably better after her parents came to visit. Hermione thought it best that they press charges (she would be Rose's representative, of course), and Rose was nervous about speaking to the Wizengamut, but she had time until she had to speak.
14 +cause drama

[30 Jan 2008|10:47am]

Who: Jenny and OTA
What: Conversation in the halls
Where: The halls after class
When: Wednesday afternoon
Rating: TBD

Jenny was walking out of potions class - she had stayed late because she had time before her next class, and she was always working on something a little more difficult than the rest of the fifth years - that's what you get when you are the daughter of one of the world's most famous potions masters.

She cleaned out her cauldron, put her supplies away, and headed toward Ravenclaw, opting to take the long way. She'd had an interesting few weeks, and was mulling over everything that had happened between her and boys.
37 +cause drama

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