Time Stories [Into the Vortex] [Rules] [Page-a-Mod] [Tags] Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Stories From Time & Space" journal:
December 10th, 2009
07:15 pm


Fic: Lightning 1/? (Rated PG)

Title: Lightning 
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG 
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) for certain and maybe others down the road
Characters/Pairing(s): Ten, Rose Tyler, Ten/ Rose, Romana III/IV, one or two more old series characters, some OCs
Summary: Three weeks following “The Offer”, a search is about to commence, something thought lost is regained, and the Rose is about to drop a bombshell on the Doctor

A/N: This story sadly is not betaed. . .

Current Music: The Sontaran Stratagem
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December 8th, 2009
12:08 am


Fic: The Offer 5/5 (Rated PG)

Title: The Offer
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG 
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's, Ten
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?

Disclaimer: Don't own it and have made no money at all from this!

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12:03 am


Fic: The Offer 4/5 (Rated PG)
Title: The Offer
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG 
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's, Ten
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?

Disclaimer: Don't own it and have made no money at all from this!

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December 3rd, 2009
08:43 pm


Fic: The Offer 3/5 (Rated PG)

Title: The Offer
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG 
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?

Disclaimer: Don't own it and have made no money at all from this!

A/N: Make what you will of the following. . . this chapter is unbetaed!

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December 2nd, 2009
02:23 am


Fic: The Offer 2/5 (Rated PG)
Title: The Offer
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG 
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?

Make what you will of the following. . . this chapter is unbetaed!

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November 26th, 2009
04:33 pm


Fic: The Offer 1/5 (Rated PG)
Title: The Offer
Author: Amy1oM
Rating: PG 
Spoilers: Er, Doomsday(?) and probably a few from what I've read about but never listened to Big Finish's Gallifrey stories
Characters: Rose Tyler, Romana III (or IV you decide), cameo by another former companion of the Doctor's
Summary: In a scene taking place several hours after “Romanadvoratrelundar Meet” Rose will suddenly be offered everything she could have ever dreamed when it comes to the Doctor but will she accept it?

Make what you will of the following. . . this chapter is unbetaed!

Current Music: Nanny 911
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