Time Stories [Into the Vortex] [Rules] [Page-a-Mod] [Tags] Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Stories From Time & Space" journal:
April 5th, 2008
12:24 pm


Fic: The First Time
The First Time
Lomeinie ( lomeinie | 2cbetter2 )

Rating: G
Spoilers: Doomsday

Summary: For the first time in his long life the Doctor allows himself to truly love a human in return and suffers the consequences as a result.

Disclaimers: I don't own Doctor Who as it belongs to the BBC. I have made absolutely no money off of this and I ask not to be used.

Note: This was written for the "firsts" challenge here

( This cut she is very fake )

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March 26th, 2008
10:45 am


Fic: Minuscule


Rating: G
Spoilers: Last of the Time Lords; Time Crash

Summary: The Doctor stares temptation in the eye and for a brief moment it's almost more than he can resist.

I don't own the Doctor in ANY of his incarnations and so I've made zilch off of this ficlet so I expect not to be sued by the BBC or anyone who owns the Doctor.

This cut she is very fake!

Current Mood: creative
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