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[Nov. 11th, 2009|05:27 pm]
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Who: Oliver Wood, Luna Lovegood and Ryann Askew
What: Dressing Oli up :D
Where: Hogwarts
When: Afternoon
Warnings: None

Let's dress Oli up! )
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[Nov. 11th, 2009|03:04 pm]
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Who: Luna (Luno!) Lovegood and Oliver (Olivia!) Wood
What: Talking
Where: Outside Hogwarts
When: Early afternoon
Warnings: None

You make a lovely girl! )
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[Oct. 16th, 2009|07:43 pm]
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Who: Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood.
What: An accidental meeting... and who knows.
When: Evening.
Where: Somewhere outside on Hogwarts grounds.
Warnings: I guess, violence? You never know with these two.

Marcus rubbed the back of his head. )
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[Oct. 16th, 2009|06:03 pm]
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Who: Oliver and Luna, open for any Ravenclaws I guess
What: chatting and having lunch
When: lunchtime
Where: great hall
Warnings: None yet

They even had apple pie... )
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Dance, Dance, Dance The Night Away ... [Oct. 10th, 2009|10:11 pm]
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It was a beautiful night for a dance, a ball, a whiling away of one's troubles, lost in the swirl of music ...

At least, that is what Albus told himself, as he surveyed the newly decorated Great Hall - but then again, he was a romantic old fool. Everyone said so.

What seemed like millions of twinkling stars decorated a velvety black sky ceiling, and the four walls were adorned with richly woven tapestries of each of the four Houses - their histories and triumphs. Their follies were prudently NOT shown, as this was a night of celebration and brotherhood.

For this one night, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw existed in harmony, their colors flowing and rippling around each other, and the smooth, gleaming wooden dance floor invited all students, past and present, to forget their rivalries and just be ...

Well - just BE.

The students were beginning to gather in the front hall, and with an inward smile, Dumbledore waved the doors open to begin the festivities.

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[Oct. 6th, 2009|07:12 pm]
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Who: Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint.
What: Meet-up for a pint.
When: Evening.
Where: Three Broomsticks.
Warnings: PG-13 (drinking, language, possibly some violence).

Marcus could rarely say no to drinking. )
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[Oct. 5th, 2009|06:17 pm]
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Who: Oliver Wood and Ryann Askew
What: Oliver has some news for Ryann
When: Afternoon
Where: Courtyard
Warnings: None really

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[Oct. 6th, 2009|12:48 am]
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Owl to Ryann )
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[Oct. 5th, 2009|08:08 pm]
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Owl to Marcus Flint, delivered by a very scared owl )
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[Oct. 1st, 2009|09:08 pm]
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[Mood |chipper]

Who: Theodore Nott and Oliver Wood.
What: discussing Quidditch tactics
When: Thursday evening
Where: Library
Warnings: None.

That's so not in the rules! )
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Owl [Oct. 1st, 2009|08:57 pm]
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Owl to theodore Nott )
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[Oct. 1st, 2009|01:32 pm]
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Who: Sirius Black and Oliver Wood.
What: Hiding Tonks' Broom.
When: Thursday - Midday.
Where: Sirius' office.
Warnings: None. Except THIEVERY. (:D)

She'll never think to look here. Ha! )
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[Oct. 1st, 2009|05:33 pm]
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Who: Theodore Nott and Oliver Wood
What: talking
When: lunch break
Where: Library
Warnings: hah! cursing?

Oliver headed down the stairs on his way to the Great Hall for lunch. He'd spent most of the morning talking to Professors and Nick, having nothing else to do until the afternoon when he'd be giving flying lessons against. He was already looking forward to that; it was fun to work with the kids because they were all so excited since he was a 'Quidditch star' and whatever else they thought. Did it really not matter that he was just the reserve keeper for United? Obviously not. He wasn't going to complain.

Right now though, all he wanted was to go and sit down for dinner. He had skipped breakfast in the morning after getting up late and was really hungry by now. Plus the food at Hogwarts was always great.

Okay, this just wasn't good. The doors of the great Hall were still closed so dinner wasn't ready yet and he decided to just wait outside for the doors to open. he looked around, wondering if there was anyone he knew around to talk to. No such luck.

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MASS OWL [Oct. 1st, 2009|01:46 am]
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Owl to: Lily/James, Charity, Oliver, Tonks, Charlie Weasley, Hestia )
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Owl to Luna [Sep. 30th, 2009|07:53 pm]
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[Mood |bouncy]

Owl to Luna )
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[Sep. 29th, 2009|10:08 am]
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Who: Ryann Askew and Oliver Wood
What:  Talking, hanging out, probably some silliness.
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Outside by the lake
Warnings: Maybe a little swearing.

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[Sep. 29th, 2009|04:37 pm]
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Who: Luna Lovegood and Oliver Wood (and open to others)
What: Talking, hanging out, becoming friends.
When: Afternoon.
Where: Quidditch Pitch.
Warnings: None.

On the pitch... )
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[Sep. 28th, 2009|10:12 am]
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Who: Oliver Wood and Ryan Askew
What: first meeting
When: morning
Where: Hogwarts
Warnings: maybe some swearing

Read more... )
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[Sep. 27th, 2009|01:01 pm]
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Who: Oliver Wood and anyone that wants to join
What: Talking about Quidditch
When: after lunch
Where: Hogwarts, Quidditchfield
Warnings: obsessing about Quidditch, probably swearing later?

Let the games begin... )
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That's where that bludger got me... [Sep. 25th, 2009|07:40 pm]
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[Mood |cheerful]

Who: Oliver Wood and open
What: just a random meeting, not the workshop yet
When: around lunch
Where: Hogwarts, Quidditch pitch
Warnings: cursing

Oliver smiled to himself and looked around. He was standing in the middle of the Quidditch field, quite excited to be back there again. The weather was perfect for flying and he couldn't wait to start with the workshop, but that would have to wait for a little longer. He sighed softly at the memories he had from his own games on the field and decided it had been a good idea to come back and maybe share those memories and new experiences he'd gained after school with some of the students later on.

He was just turning to go back up to the castle, when he found that there was someone else on the pitch with him...
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