Time of Trial - October 16th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 16th, 2009

A flying lesson [Oct. 16th, 2009|01:56 pm]
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Who: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
What: A flying lesson
When: after classes, Friday before dinner
Where: The field by the green houses
Warnings: none

Ron was ready. )
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[Oct. 16th, 2009|06:03 pm]
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Who: Oliver and Luna, open for any Ravenclaws I guess
What: chatting and having lunch
When: lunchtime
Where: great hall
Warnings: None yet

They even had apple pie... )
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[Oct. 16th, 2009|07:43 pm]
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Who: Marcus Flint and Oliver Wood.
What: An accidental meeting... and who knows.
When: Evening.
Where: Somewhere outside on Hogwarts grounds.
Warnings: I guess, violence? You never know with these two.

Marcus rubbed the back of his head. )
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