May. 8th, 2009


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Who: Ciri and Sami
Where: the grounds
When: before breakfast/classes
What: meeting.

Another morning found Ciri in a good mood as usual, nor was it surprising that she ate breakfast quickly and headed outside for her morning walk. She needed to take advantage of the weather before it became too cold and she knew she was going to miss the walk as a ritual. The crisp air greeted her and she inhaled each breath happily. Time to see the saplings! She walked in the direction where the baby trees were and knelt besides them to share news of what had happened the previous day. "...and that was when he started to tickle me!" Ciri said, grinning. "Calvin is sweet. I want to be a good mother for his baby and you young trees too!" She leaned forward to brush her fingertips over one of the sapling's leaves ever so gently. "I wonder if there are tiny dryads within you...if the Earth Goddess has decided to trust me with them. It would be incredible!"

The sun climbed a little higher in the sky, indicating that it was time for her to continue with her walk. "I have to go now. Bye!" The saplings moved their leaves slightly from the small breeze that just appeared and she knew it was their way of wishing her farewell. She stood, waved at them and started to walk along the campus. A sweet little song escaped her and she glanced at the sky and the trees around her, a bounce in her step appearing as she moved. Heading toward her was a man she did not recognize. That was a reason for her to introduce herself because she had nothing to lose if she did so.

Ciri increased her pace and put on her best friendly grin as she walked nearer to him. "Hi!" It seemed like a good place to start, along with her name, of course. "My name is Ciri. You must enjoy morning walks as well if you are out so early like me." She slipped her cold hands into her jacket pockets.
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Apr. 13th, 2009


Monday: 10/15/07

Who: Sami and Adora
Where: Adora's classroom
When: After class
What: Adora gets one hell of a surprise.

Of course Sami had known Adora was going to be teaching the Inner Demon Control class )
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January 2013




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