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Jun. 3rd, 2011


Tuesday 2nd December

Who: Roger, Dante and Wesley
Where: BGH
When: Tuesday afternoon
What: Roger & Dante return home for a brief spell
Rating: NSFW!!!
Note: AIM scene

I can be happy but never like I am with you. So I won't wait. There's no.... point in waiting. You're it. )

Feb. 18th, 2011


Monday 13th October

Who: Roger and Wesley
Where: Their apartment
When: Evening
What: Roger's leaving...

This wasn't going to go well. Roger's stomach was in knots, his hands shaking, as he waited for Wesley to come home. What was he going to say? The healer was already having a rough time lately, with being overloaded at work and being exhausted and sick. And now this... Roger knew he wouldn't take it well. He knew that Wesley loved him, hell he would marry him if Roger only indicated he wanted it. How was he going to understand that Roger needed to leave him? Part of the demon thought that he should just vanish, not tell Wes he was even going. Maybe it would be easier not knowing what happened then know the truth. But Wesley would've done anything he could to find Roger. He'd fall apart not knowing. Roger also debated lying to Wes, tell him something easier to understand, like... like maybe that Roger didn't love him anymore. He had almost decided to do that, but Roger knew that he couldn't get the words out without bursting into tears, without breaking the facade. The truth would be best, and be the hardest. But he knew it was right. Sitting on the couch, not watching the show playing in front of him, the demon was twisting a loose thread on his jeans anxiously as he waited. When the front door opened, his heart nearly leapt out of his throat, his mouth suddenly dry. This was it, this was the moment. He wasn't nearly ready for it.

This is... you’re breaking up with me? )
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Jul. 30th, 2010


Monday July 7th 2008

Who: Godric and Blake, then Wesley and Roger/Ipsy
What: Talking about Godric's new circumstance
Where: BGH
When: Monday Night
Rating: R

This wasn't a conversation Godric was looking forward to, but it needed to be had. He'd needed to get away from the house, away from Blake, and plan out exactly what he was going to say to him. But even as his car (borrowed from Peyton) pulled into the driveway that evening, Godric still had no idea what he was going to say. He couldn't tell the truth, and he couldn't think of a reason not to tell the truth, and he knew he couldn't lie to Blake, and he knew that if he didn't lie then the truth would spread too far.

Walking into the living room, Godric expected Blake to be standing in front of the door waiting for him, pacing with his arms crossed, lights flickering. Thankfully the demon was not in immediate view, which gave the vampire enough time to set down his laptop bag and sit down onto the couch, sighing. This was going to be horrible. He should have forced Hope to be present, to make her see the look in Blake's eyes when he told him. It would have hurt her more than it was going to hurt Godric. Well... maybe almost more.

Jul. 14th, 2010


Monday, June 23rd 2008

Who: Dante, Roger and Pam
What: Dante returns
When: Monday Morning
Where: BGH
Rating: R for fighting/language

Last night Dante had spent with Erin, laying with her and being with her and not worrying about what would come in the morning. Of course, when morning came, Dante was worrying. He left her while she was still asleep, kissed her forehead and headed back to his room, taking a shower and changing his clothes. Now that Erin was staying, he had something else that needed to be taken care of. Something possibly more important, equally scary.

Standing in front of the huge house, Dante swallowed, the lump in his throat refusing to go away. )
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Jun. 21st, 2010


Friday June 6th 2008

Who: Ipsy, Wesley and Blake
What: Taking the meds
Where: Kitchen table @ The GBH
When: Friday Afternoon
Rating: ?

Although she was in Roger's jeans, Roger's sneakers, Roger's tee shirt and Roger's hairstyle, clearly Ipsy was the one sitting at the kitchen table. She was waiting. She was waiting and crying her dear little eys out, two bottles of prescription pills sitting in front of her. Also there was a glass of water, but she didn't think she'd need it. She wanted Wesley here, wanted him to know that this was for him, that she was being killed off just for him.

Not that it had been a great week anyway. Still, she had hoped that Roger did not detest her enough to want to be rid of her. He might not, but it was all for Wesley. Just thinking the name made her scowl, and also cry harder. Wesley. Everything Roger did was because of that man. Leaning back in her chair, Ipsy just stared at the meds before her, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Jun. 14th, 2010


Tuesday June 3rd 2008

Who: Ipsy and Darien
What: A hallway meeting
Where: Um, the hallway!
When: Mid morning, before her meeting with Wesley
Rating: Not sure yet!

She didn't really want to go see Wesley. She knew that her presence was hard on him, and that he didn't actually want to talk to her. He was doing it because he needed to, and maybe because Blake had talked to him and said he needed to. She doubted very much Wesley would want to talk to her on his own. But, for Roger's good, she would go see Wesley. And she would listen to what he said and try to make amends, because Roger loved Wesley and it would be what he wanted. But that did not mean Ipsy wanted to do it.

Making her way through the men's dorms, Ipsy was tying her long blonde hair (well okay it was a wig but it was still her hair) into a low ponytail. Today she was dressed casually, low slung faded jeans that hugged her hips and a well fitting tee shirt that emphasized her modest breasts (okay it was a waterbra, but still! It was all the boob she was gonna get.) She was distracted, thinking about Wesley and how her hair was being impossible, and almost walked into a very cute and obviously new young man. "Oh!" she said, surprised. "I'm sorry, lovey! I almost walked right into you, didn't I?" Chuckling, she touched his shoulder gently. "I'm Ipsy, by the way! You look lost as a lamb to slaughter. Can I help you with anything?"
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Wednesday June 4th 2008

Who: Ipsy and Nate
What: A Date! [A date?]
Where: In the park
When: Wednesday Night
Rating: PG? Probs

Ipsy was excited. More than excited. She had a date! It had been ages since she'd been out with someone, and Nate was a sweet man. She loved how soft spoken he was, how quiet and polite he was. He was old fashioned and would treat her like a lady. Well... hopefully not too much like a lady. She was still a hot blooded woman after all.

It had taken forever, but Ipsy had managed to find the perfect dress for tonight. With a sheer silver shawl around her shoulders, a hint of shimmery gold eyeshadow and perfectly lined ruby lips, Ipsy looked absolutely stunning. Her plain black heels clacked noisily across the parking garage, blue eyes seeking out her handsome date. Suddenly she spotted him, and a smile spread over her face. She picked up her pace to quickly make her way over to him. "Hello, handsome," she purred, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek (soft because she didn't want to leave a lipstick mark).
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Jun. 6th, 2010


Sunday May 25th 2008

Who: Arcelia and Ipsy
What: Clothing shopping!
Where: Downtown Danvers
When: Sunday Midday
Rating: WTF

After her brief and disheartening encounter with Wesley, Ipsy knew that she needed to get out of the house for awhile. Wes needed some time to get accustomed to the idea of her, and she needed a new wardrobe anyway. While Mandy's top was very cute, it didn't fit her all that well. Plus Wesley's jeans were so... boyish. Kind of cute on her, since her body was so male, but she hoped maybe to find something that might give her curves.

Everyone looked at her as she passed, she assumed in either lust or longing. Well, obviously. Ipsy was hot shit and she knew it. As she pushed aside hanger after hanger of dull, drab attire, she noticed over the top of the racks a familiar, pretty face. A pretty face that Roger had slept with awhile back. A pretty face with a damn fine sense of fashion.

"Hey, Arc!" Ipsy smiled, sauntering over. "You look so hot today! Love the top, so cute! Can you help me out? Roger's closet is a gay jungle and I need something pretty. I'm Ipsy, by the way," she said, holding out a hand to shake.

May. 29th, 2010


Sunday May 25th 2008

Who: Wes and Ipsy
What: First Meeting
Where: The BGH (Big Gay House)
When: Sunday Morning
Rating: WTF

Wes was getting used to the new house. The layout was strange and the healer didn't usually live in anything with more than a simple open plan place with one floor and a general living area. This house, being a B&B, was huge. It had many rooms, none of which were a bathroom when Wes needed it so he really didn't see the point in a building this huge. Until he considered the fact that there were about ten or more people gonna be either living or visiting in this house at one time. Christmas was gonna be fucking weird.

The to-do with Roger the other day had been hard. Wesley still doubted whether Roger had any clue as to how odd it had been for the healer to have suddenly switched. Not since Dante had Roger done that on him, and Roger seemed to think it was Dante fooling around - only he missed the point that Dante NEVER fooled around like that. He'd rather be straight and tell Wes he was a dick then do that.... Right?

After spending two minutes trying to find the door to his bedroom Wes accomplished his task and swung it open, rubbing his hand over his eyes though as soon as he blinked open he almost wished he'd covered them completely.

Roger wasn't here. )
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Apr. 27th, 2010


Monday May 5th 2008

Who: Roger and Dante
What: Finding someone a man
Where: A gay bar
When: Monday Night
Rating: R

Like with most everything else Roger ever did with Dante, he did not have a choice in the evening's events. Dante had come back from dinner, informed Roger they were going out that night and then proceeded to rummage through his clothing. Of course Roger had planned on spending the evening with Wes, either hanging out at his place or talking to him online or some such thing. But going out seemed nice, especially since Dante had been the one proposing it. Roger was curious as to what it was the golem did in his spare time. Roger wondered if he simply walked around cursing at people and shoving them aside. He had been positively bowled over when his roommate stated flatly that they were going to a gay bar.

"We're not going to beat up trannies, are we?" Roger asked skeptically.


"Alright..." He paused, thinking some more as he pulled on one of Dante's sweaters. It was very comfortable, though a little big on Roger. This must have been something Erin picked out because this was certainly not Dante's style. And it smelled very clean, something Roger hadn't done. Was Dante doing laundry now? Strange. "We're not going to protest, are we? Because you remember I'm gay?"

"No," Dante said irritably. "We're not going to cause trouble, get in a fight or otherwise raise some kind of sutuation. Ok?"

"Alright..." Still, Roger was skeptical, and rightfully so. Dante had a girlfriend, Roger was with Wesley. If Dante wanted to go dancing they would have gone to a regular club, and he didn't seem the type to be a fan of Brittany Spears and Cher. So what the hell was he up to? But Roger knew better then to push Dante for an answer. Instead he just enjoyed the ride on the back of the bike (despite how weird it was to cling to Dante) and decided that he would enjoy the night.

You are walking a daaangerous line, Bates. )
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Feb. 20th, 2010


Sunday, April 6th 2008

Who: Roger and Dante
What: Nightmare
Where: Roger's Room
When: Middle of the night
Rating: R for language

It had been a good dream, but now it seemed it was over. Roger's eyes fluttered open, an angry grunt coming from deep in his chest. Someone was shaking him awake, and for half a second he thought maybe it was Wesley with some kind of emergency. Or maybe it was Wesley waking him for sex. Either way, he was up. Sitting up, he saw a shape in the dark- a massive, imposing shape. And then he remembered that he was in his room at the school and it wasn't Wesley waking him up, but Dante. Roger flopped back down onto his pillows. "The fuck do you want?" he grumbled, not a person who was pleasant when he was woken up.

Standing at the side of Roger's bed, Dante had his hands clasped behind his back, bare feet shuffling on the tiled floor. )
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Feb. 10th, 2010


Weds April 2nd

Who: Wes, Dante and Roger
Where: Wes' apartment
When: Evening of the 2nd
What: Dante and Wes need to talk, seeing as they haven't since he returned...
Rating: R for language.

Wes was watching TV but not really concentrating on it. The people were talking, words were spewing, but none of them made sense. Roger was bringing Dante over and while it might be a good idea for the long run, the healer hadn't meant to let it slip that he was sort of upset with Dante. The alter hadn't even given him the time of day since he'd arrived back; everyone was getting their visits, but Dante hadn't said one word to him. It was weird; Wes did hate the fact that he was back despite him crying over the possibility of him leaving those few weeks before. Things had changed since then, though. Now it was as if someone had gone "here, have a physical representation of how you've failed Roger".

The front door was open, ready for Roger and co to come in when they were there. The healer wasn't sure whether he should be preparing anything for dinner, or generally attempting to make anything at all - tea, coffee... shit, now he had heartburn. His nerves were getting the better of him and if they didn't turn up soon he'd lock them out. Or leave. He hadn't decided yet.

This was a bad idea. I knew this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have been been here when you turned up.. )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Wednesday March 26th

Who: Dante, Roger and Wesley
What: Coming face to face
Where: Wes' apartment
When: Wednesday Night
Rating: R for language

This was going to be the hardest moment of his very short solitary life. It was evening, the light from the day just dying over the horizon. Dante had walked to the apartment complex, hesitating at the door for ten minutes before he'd gotten up the nerve to knock. He could hear the sounds of Family Guy coming from the living room. Shit, that meant Roger and Wesley were in there. Too late now, he'd already knocked.

You. )

Jan. 17th, 2010


Thursday March 20th

Who: Blake and Roger
Where: Ric's apartment, then out
When: Thursday
What: The two friends need some bondin' time!

Blake was at Godric's apartment, as usual, perusing the cupboards to see if there was anything to eat. He had gone through the trouble of getting in a stack of food for his stay, knowing that Ric didn't really eat much and Wes ordered out, though, as he soon realised, Wes had found said stash and had been treating himself to Blake's little luxuries. Nothing was safe in this place! Not even his imported candy bars.

He made himself a few crackers with cheese, figuring he'd call out for something later on when Ric returned. Wesley was not actually home, doing some extra work in the infirmary so it was quiet. It might have seemed strange that Blake was there all on his lonesome in his boyfriend's apartment but he was practically living there anyway he saw no point in returning to his own place. Watching some dreadful TV movie, Blake blew on his mug of tea whilst he relaxed against the cushions.

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Jan. 12th, 2010


Friday March 14th 2008

Who: Wesley and Roger
What: Roger comes back (a little worse for the wear)
Where: Wesley's Apartment
When: Friday Afternoon
Rating: ?

[save spot]
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Jan. 3rd, 2010


Saturday March 15th 2008

Who: Erin and Roger
What: Roger needs to deliver a message
Where: Erin's Room
When: Saturday Morning
Rating: A for Awwww!

Wesley wanted Roger close by, and the half demon understood. But he had something that he needed to do, so early in the morning (early being a relative term, it was almost ten) Roger strapped on his shoes and walked to the school. This was the first time he'd walked there instead of run. The world looked a lot less blurry when you weren't running at top speed.

It took Roger a little while to find the room he was looking for, because he didn't actually know where it was. But he closed his eyes a moment, trying to remember. Something told him that he did know, he just needed to think. Maybe it was a residential memory from Dante, but suddenly Erin's room number popped into his head, and he knew exactly where to go.

Hesitating a moment, wondering how she'd react (and who she would think he was), Roger shuffled nervously, tugging at the end of his sweater sleeves.
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Nov. 6th, 2009


Wednesday February 6th 2008

Who: Blake and Roger
What: Late night encounter
Where: Ric and Wes' apartment
When: Midnight
Rating: G

[save spot for gdoc]
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Oct. 11th, 2009


Tuesday 1/29/08

Who: Wesley and Roger
What: Confession Time
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Wesley's Apartment
Rating: PG 13

You're not going anywhere. )
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Sep. 30th, 2009


Wednesday 1/23/08

Who: Roger and Arcelia
What: Keeping a date (eventually)
Where: Arc's Room
When: Just after dawn Wednesday morning
Rating: Probably M

After the night Roger had had, one would think he'd be too exhausted even to walk. But no. He was still fully charged and ready for anything, and he remembered that he had promised Arc he'd come by to fuck her. He was keeping his word... eventually.

The sun was barely up as Roger walked across the lawns toward the student dorms. Some of the lycans (clothed thank God) were heading back in to the school. Frowning, Roger needed to think- if he tried to walk past security they'd kick his ass. People weren't allowed off school grounds during the full. Which was a stupid rule, but Roger didn't feel like dealing with those numbskulls right now. So instead, he'd climb in through Arc's window. Normally a spell was set to keep students from leaving through their windows at night on the full, but he doubted very much anyone had bothered this month.

Thankfully he was tall enough to see into each room, and with only minimal effort he found the girl's room, pried the window open with his pocket knife and climbed inside. She was still asleep, looking pretty damn ravishing with her hair splayed out over the pillow. Moving silently, Roger crept over to her bed, slipping out of his jacket and laying it on the floor. He sat down beside her, about to shake her awake when a better idea struck him. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her neck, then another, making a slow trail scross her throat. His hands were already buzzing, and he placed on gently on her hip, slowly moving it up her body.
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Sep. 28th, 2009


Tuesday 1/22/08

Who: Blake and Roger
What: Causing Trouble
Where: Off campues
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating: R

As requested, Roger shrugged his jacket on and hurried out fron to meet Blake. He felt good, better than he'd felt in what seemed like forever. Normally he felt tense and shy and weak, but today... well after dinner last night he just felt good. Sturdy. Tough. He wasn't sure what had caused it, but he felt damn good about things. And he was tired of taking peoples' shit. Everyone stepped all over him, but not anymore.

Blake was where he said he'd be, and Roger gave him a curt nod as a greeting. Blake seemed pretty okay, as far as people went. Not a bad kisser, liked to have fun. Certainly less uptight than that vampire he was dating. Which reminded Roger that he had his own boyfriend he should probably inform that he was going somewhere. Eh, fuck him. He'd understand. And if he didn't well... as previously stated, fuck him.

"Security is retarded," he said, opening the car door and climbing in. "Had to tell them who I am and what my race is. Like that's any kind of security." He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. "Guy didn't check my ID, didn't look at a file... I could have lied to the idiot, I've never seen him before, he doesn't know me. I should've lied to him. Tell him I'm a vampire while we're standing there in daylight." Roger scoffed. "This place is a joke."
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