Jun. 25th, 2012


Tuesday June 9th 2009

Who: Kennedy and Lupe
What: Ken is getting his wife from the vampire house
Where: The kidnapper vampire house
When: Midday
Rating: PG escalating to NSFW

Ken didn't have all the details. Something about a vampire, kidnapping, a lot of people from the school getting grabbed, locked in a basement. Being fed upon. Ken didn't listen too much, and he didn't care much for the details. Lupe was there, and she was alive, and that was all that mattered. He drove quickly to where he was told she was, driving faster than he ever had in his entire life. He didn't even know the speed limit, and he didn't care.

Parking his car, Ken scrambled out, looking frantically through the mass of people in the front yard of a house that, unless he'd been looking for it, Ken might not have even known was there. People were wrapped in blankets, sitting in the grass, healers checking up on people. And finally, he saw her. She was standing alone, a dark blanket around her shoulders, just watching the people around her. Dried blood speckled her chest and arms, and maybe more of her but he couldn't see it. He was glad of it, because he couldn't handle seeing her worse than she was. Pushing himself past a few people, Ken strode over to her, pausing a moment to just look at her, take the sight of her in. Then he threw his arms around her, holding her tightly. She was alive, in his arms, and that's all that mattered.
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May. 29th, 2012


Friday May 23rd 2009

Who: Ken and Lupe
What: A hard conversation
Where: Their apartment
When: Evening
Rating: PG

Days had passed since he and Lupe had talked, and Ken had tried to give her space but he couldn't live in this apartment anymore until they talked, really talked, face to face. She had been avoiding him, and Ken didn't blame her, but he didn't like walking on eggshells. So he had cooked dinner, spaghetti because she liked that, and he was sitting at the dinner table waiting for her to come home. He had already said grace, but waited before eating. He was nervous and didn't think he could eat anyway.

Chiquita, can we please talk about this? )
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Apr. 19th, 2012


Thursday May 7th 2009

Who: Lupe and Kennedy
What: Spouses talking
Where: Their apartment
When: Thursday evening
Rating: NSFW

Ken still hadn't told Lupe what he was yet. He didn't know how. It was still so staggering in his mind, the vast change between what he had been and what he was now. It conflicted with all his morals. He was a servant to God. How was he supposed to become demonic? Worse still, how could something so personal as intercourse now become something as common and public as food? He didn't think he could do it. He felt the hunger in him, the need for something more than the steaks he had cooked for Lupe last night, but the thought of exploring that hunger seemed too much.

Still, he knew he needed help. People looked at him as he walked by them, really looked, in a way that he had never noticed anyone looking before. It made him feel good, and that made him feel guilty. He didn't know what to do. He had to figure out how to turn this off. He had been hiding in his room all night, but he knew now that he needed to talk to Lupe about it. So with a regretful sigh, Ken left his work on his desk and padded barefoot to his wife's room, knocking gently on her door. "Lupe?" he called. "May I ask you something, please?"
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Mar. 6th, 2012


Thursday April 16th 2009

Who: Kennedy
What: Picking up a professional
Where: Boston
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13

It had been a brash and hasty decision, and Ken was regretting it. He had been determined to try out everything in life that he had been missing, to see what there was to see, to let loose on his morals. After all, they hadn't gotten him anywhere anyway. Last week he and Lupe had gone drinking, and since then he'd tried all sorts of things. Wine had been the most palleteable so far, but his taste buds were getting used to vodka based drinks as well. He had tried a cigarette as well the other day, but that habit hadn't lasted long. It had tasted disgusting and he felt absolutely nothing from it except the need to cough. Drugs were still untouched, and probably would remain so, mainly because he had no idea how to acquire them. That left only one thing to try, something that he did know how to get ahold of because he had seen enough films.

Sex. Something everyone talked about and something Kennedy had never done, had never even gotten close to doing. But it was a major part of life, and he didn't know anyone over the age of fifteen that hadn't experienced it. And while he still felt unsure about doing it, part of him was curious. But he couldn't just ask someone about it. How would that conversation even begin? So he had done what made sense- he'd called in a professional. The girl, Celine, had seemed very nice on the phone and she was equally nice in person. She was lovely as well, with long auburn hair and she smelled like passion fruit, and the slit in her dress rode so high up her leg that he thought maybe it was like a run in a stocking and it would keep going without clear polish to stop it. It looked like a dress Lupe might wear.

Celine had been patient with Ken's nervousness, with his initial hesitation and reluctance. She had been sweet while she fixed him a drink, while they had talked awhile to calm his nerves, while she had slowly slipped out of her dress and walked toward him. She had even laughed softly when he'd mumbled a soft prayer right before her lips touched his, as she laid herself out over his body and caressed his face and felt his heart hammering hard beneath her chest. His breath was quick, his lips slow in moving with hers, and his last clear thought was Oh, God as his shaking hand rested cautiously on Celine's waist.
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Feb. 22nd, 2012


Tuesday April 7th 2009

Who: Kennedy and Lupe
What: Husband/wife date
Where: A dance club
When: Nighttime
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

Ken was determined to have fun tonight. He still felt empty inside, like his chest had been scooped out and there was no herat left in there anymore, but he didn't want Lupe to look like she did anymore. It wasn't her fault that things between himself and Rachel had ended. He had made his decisions, and Rachel wasn't happy, and Lupe had no hand in any of it. Ken wished that his friend wouldn't feel badly anymore.

So tonight, they would have fun. They would hang out like they had in Columbia, just the two of them. Lupe would tease him, and Ken would try and discourage her, and maybe things would be better after tonight. Maybe he would find a new lease on life. There were lots of things to try, things Kennedy had never done before. Maybe things he would like.

Waiting on the couch while Lupe finished getting ready, Kennedy flipped through one of her girl magazines, his eyebrow furrowed at the alarming amount of clevage on the makeup models. Was that much chest exposure really necessary to sell eyeshadow?

That's... not what I was expecting. )
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Feb. 11th, 2012


Sunday April 5th 2009

Who: Lupe and Kennedy
What: Ken comes home with sad news
Where: Their apartment
When: Later evening
Rating: PG

Ken had been crying pretty much the entire flight back. He felt lousy. He couldn't remember ever feeling this lousy. Part of him really, really hoped that Lupe was in bed or was out for the night. He even sort of hoped that she was feeding off someone tonight, if only so he could come home and he alone and she wouldn't have to see him like this right now. But the apartment light was on, so no such luck. Sniffling and wiping his face as best he could, Ken slung his bag over his shoulder and tried not to look devastated as he came in the front door.

"Hey," he said quietly, working to keep his voice even as he hung up his coat and stepped out of his shoes. "I'm home. I'm gonna go to bed."

January 2013




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