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Nov. 3rd, 2012


Tuesday October 22nd 2019

Who: Li and Fisher (and NPC ghost)
What: Emo talk
Where: First the cafeteria, then elsewhere
When: Lunchtime
Rating: PG

Jack was beginning to become a little worried about Li. He had been drawing more into himself and it was turning into something she recognized before. Li only talked to the ghost and not so much the people and had a hard time paying attention in the medium class he was in. So, she did was she thought she should do. Go to Fisher.

Leaving the younger medium to do write in his journal about whatever depressing thing he was writing about, Jack went to where she knew the older man would be. Hiding in his office during lunch. "Fisher," she said, walking in. "I think we need to talk."

Why would I do that? )
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Sep. 6th, 2012


Wednesday September 25th 2019

Who: Nox and Fisher
What: Avoiding being responsible
Where: Nox's office
When: Midday
Rating: PG

Arriving at TJS, Fisher debated going right to Lyle's apartment, but... no. He wasn't ready yet. He wasn't ready to meet some kid that was supposed to be his brother, or to allow someone else into his screwy family, or to have to face Lyle after the big announcement of his engagement. He wasn't ready for any of that. So he went somewhere that he could hide. He went to go see Nox.

Over the years his memory had come back to him, and things between himself and the demon had returned to normal. Which meant that Fisher didn't knock when he entered, and he greeted Nox with a shy but sincere "Hi mommy."
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Sep. 3rd, 2012


Wednesday September 25th 2019

Who: Lyle, Kael, Fisher maybe Nico
What: Meeting the eldest brother
Where: Lyle's apartment
When: Evening
Rating: TBD

Since Fisher hadn't requested transportation, Lyle hadn't bothered to send someone to the airport and pick up his brother. But like the cat that always came back in that song he couldn't quite remember from third grade, Fisher showed up at his apartment in the late afternoon with an overnight bag and an anxious look about him. "Nervous?" Lyle smirked as he closed the door behind his brother.

"Nah," Fisher lied. "I meet new people all the time. No big deal."

"Mm hm. Where's the Gayor?"

Frowning, Fisher dropped his bag on the floor by the doorway, which he knew made Nico (and thusly Lyle) crazy. "Don't call him that. And I left him in Vegas."

"Your handler lets you travel alone?" he asked, seemingly impressed. This made Fisher frown harder.

"I'm an adult, douchebag. I can do what I want." With a pause, he added "And I'm only going to be gone a few days."

"You mean you're not staying forever?" Lyle asked wryly, shuffling over to grab Fisher's bag and taking it to the spare room before Nico got home and started getting all... antsy. "Damn. I'll cry."

"Fuck you. So, where is the thing?"

Tossing the bag into the room and shutting the door, Lyle ran a hand through his hair. "That thing has a name, and it's Kael. And don't be a dick to him, okay? It's not his fault that this is all fucked up. He really wants to meet you for some reason so... just try and not totally suck, please?"

Taking a seat on the sofa, Fisher twirled a strand of hair, chewing on his inner lip. "I won't," he said quietly. "Or I guess, I'll try. But I don't really know what I'm gonna say to him, I mean... am I supposed to be reassuring or something? You're a frickin vampire. If that doesn't make him assured that he's not a freak, I dunno what will." Fisher didn't want to be the kind of person that someone might look up to. There had been a time when he didn't mind, but he had failed at being a role model so spectacularly, he never wanted a repeat occurrence. "Is he gonna be home soon? I wanna get this over with."

Taking a seat next to Fisher, Lyle patted his brother's arm. "He should be home soon. Don't stress about it. Just talk to him, answer questions. He's a good kid and a decent person. He's not gonna try and get all hero worship on you."
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Jan. 31st, 2012


Wednesday April 1st 2009

Who: Lyle and Fisher (and Nico if he feels sociable)
What: Dropping in for a visit
Where: Lyle's apartment
When: Early morning
Rating: PG 13

It was barely 8am, and someone was knocking on the door. Nico was probably in the grow room, or possibly not home, and was therefore ignoring the morning intruder. So Lyle rolled himself out of bed and padded in his pajama pants to the door, and opened it without bothering to look through the peephole because if it was someone here to kill him, they deserved to succeed just from being out and about so goddamn early. It wasn't an assassin though, almost to Lyle's disappointment. It was Fisher. "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked blearily.

"Jesus, you got pale. I think you're paler than I am."

Lyle blinked, then stepped aside to let his brother in. "I catch fire in sunlight," he yawned, pushing the door and just trusting that it would close all the way (which it did). "What's your excuse."

"I'm pretty sure I do too," Fisher said simply, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "It's amazing how much we have in common."

"What are you doing here?" Lyle asked again, taking in a deep breath. Oh, bless Nico, he'd made coffee, and he'd made it strong.

"Well, I was going to go to my other brother's house, but then I remembered I don't have one, well at least, I think I don't have one, dad was-"

"Fish-eerrr!" Lyle whined irritably.

I feel like I've been shot in the face with a tee shirt cannon of irony. )
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Nov. 20th, 2011


Wednesday February 25th 2009

Who: Fisher, Rez and Lily (and James?)
What: Freakiness
Where: A random hallway
When: Midday
Rating: TBD

Since he had pretty much patched things up with Lyle, at least as well as he was going to be able to, Fisher decided it was time for him and James to head back to Vegas. He had entertained the notion of staying in Danvers for about twenty seconds before concluding that... well, no. Just no. It was cold here, and it still felt weird being in a place that he knew he should remember but didn't, having things be familiar and not know why. Plus there were so many people here tied to James' past, and it seemed that as soon as they'd landed in Boston a cloud had hung over the demon's head and Fisher could only assume that leaving would make it go away.

So he had told James that he wanted to go, and they were going to meet up in the education building to head out together. Of course, that meant Fisher needed to find his way around, and that wasn't so easy in this massive, semifamiliar place. A few people said hello to him, none of whom he remembered, and when he did eventually see a familiar face it made him wish he hadn't. Because the last time he had talked to Rez, the guy had sounded kind of insane.
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Nov. 14th, 2011


Sunday February 22nd 2009

Who: Lyle and Fisher
What: Brother talking
Where: Lyle's apartment
When: Midmorning
Rating: PG 13

Fisher was winning at Marvel vs. Capcom, and Lyle was not very happy about that. In fact he was getting kind of pissed. Fisher had always sucked at video games, and the fact that he was kicking so much ass right now was unsettling. Growling, Lyle tossed down the controller, plunking his feet up on the coffee table. "Ugh," he grunted. "Forget that game. It sucks anyway."

Smirking, Fisher turned off the console, placed the remote on the coffee table and tucked his feet up beneath himself. It was good to have Lyle talking, and even better still having him talking to Fisher. If Lyle was pitching fits about video games, it meant that he was comfortable around Fisher, which meant he didn't hate him. "Can I talk to you about something?" he asked softly, resting his elbow on the back of the couch, temple rested against his fist.

Giving a glare, Lyle shrugged. "Guess so. If you have to."

"I wanted to talk about you and... your um... roommate." His eyes cast a gaze toward the grow room, where he could faintly here Nico rummaging around.

Scoffing, Lyle folded his arms over his chest. He had been waiting for something like this, and sure enough Fisher was not disappointing. "He's my boyfriend, Fisher. I know you think you've got the monopoly on all the homos in this place, but get over it."

"Would you shut up?" Fisher growled sourly, frowning. "I'm serious."

"Fine, whatever. What."

"Look, Lyle... I know you're not gay." A hand shot up, cutting off Lyle's reply before one could be made. "Shut up and let me finish. I know you're not gay. But I also know that, well... I mean life doesn't always fit into the labels we give ourselves, or that other people give us. Sometimes you have to find happiness wherever you can, especially when shit gets complicated. And I get that, you know?" A hand raked through his hair, which was badly in need of cutting, fingers grabbing hold of the dark tresses. "But sometimes it's... well..." He sighed, giving Lyle a look and then gazing off toward the room where Nico was. "I've been him before. I've been the guy that a straight guy falls for, because I was different than everything he knew. I was new, and I didn't ask anything of him, and I just... accomodated. I was easy to love. I didn't ask anything of him." His eyes moved back to Lyle, his look full of meaning. And the way Lyle was looking back, surprised but trying to hide it, said everything Fisher needed to know. So he continued. "Every one of those relationships ended because, once the comfortable change was old, and the newness and excitement of something different wore off, he realized that I wasn't what he wanted. Because no matter how much any of them might have cared about me, none of them loved me. They loved the idea of me, and what I could do for them, but not me. And they all realized that, really, they were straight. And some guy that gave them relief from real life for awhile wasn't what they wanted. And I got hurt." Pausing again, Fisher looked at his brother, really looked at him, his gray eyes sad. "I've been Nico before, and it always ended badly. I always got hurt. And I just... I don't want you to hurt him just because you need a break from your life."

Lyle was quiet for a long, long time. He stared back at his brother, face blank. The fact of the matter was, much to Lyle's dismay, Fisher raised a really good point. Lyle knew he was straight. But he did care about Nico, a lot. A lot more than he had thought he ever could care about another guy. So what did that mean, exactly? What if his brother was right, and once Lyle got this phase out of his system, once he rejoined life the way he needed to, he wouldn't care so much anymore? Could it really be that superficial without him even knowing it?

"I don't like him just because of what he does for me," he said finally, getting to his feet and avoiding Fisher's gaze. "I like him because of who he is."

"I know you do," Fisher agreed softly. "But just think about it, okay? If you're not completely sure that you want him, then the best thing you can do is to just not do this to him." Standing up as well, Fisher gave his brother a half smile, and ruffled his hair a little. "He seems like a nice enough guy, even if he is kinda odd. Just don't break his heart because you're broken, okay?"

All Lyle could do was nod as Fisher walked away, going to the spare bedroom and shutting the door behind him. Fisher was right, Lyle needed to think about this. He didn't want to hurt Nico, he never wanted to do that. But it was very possible that he would.
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Nov. 8th, 2011


Monday - February 16th, 2009

Who: Lyle, Nico and Fisher
When: Afternoon
Where: The apartment
What: Nico rises from the dead

It was Monday afternoon before Nico finally felt like moving. He managed to amble his way to the bathroom on his own and relieve himself before he turned his nose up at his own stench and peeled off his clothes to climb into a hot shower. He stayed until the water was cold before he finally climbed out, dried off, and tugged on a pair of clean pajama pants for what felt like the first time in forever.

Nico was still a bit uneven on his feet as he made his way down the hallway where he could hear the soft sound of the television playing. When he arrived, he found Lyle sitting on the sofa with some dark-haired guy that he was sure he should recognize, but didn't. The last little while was pretty hazy and the day before was no exception.

"Hey," he said in a soft voice, still strained from having been ill so long but stronger than it had been for a while. Eying Fisher, he looked at Lyle and signed, Who's he? Of course no sooner had he asked the question then it finally came to him, like some sort of fever dream that hadn't really happened. "Wait," he said, shaking his head. "Never mind. I remember. Handy with a needle."
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Nov. 4th, 2011


Sunday February 15th 2009

Who: Lyle, Fisher, Ingrid and Nico
What: Getting cured
Where: Nico and Lyle's apartment
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG 13

It had been days since Fisher had been trying to get to his brother, and even though he'd barely slept at all, he felt completely alert. There were three needles clutched in his hand, three doses of antidote for the three people apparently living in his old apartment. Three people (one of them his straight brother's fucking boyfriend) that were dying of whatever sickness was going on in there. Fisher's stride was long and quick as he moved, and since he still had a key to the place, he walked in without knocking.

The last person Lyle had expected to see stride into his apartment uninvited was his brother. )

Jul. 26th, 2011


Friday January 2nd 2009

Who: Fisher and Lyle
What: One of those conversations
Where: Their apartment
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG 13 for language

This wasn't going to be easy. As Fisher shut the door to the apartment, his heart sank. He knew that he was being completely, totally selfish and that Lyle was probably going to be furious and he'd have every right to be. He knew that this was impulsive and stupid and he should just forget it altogether, scrap the idea and never think about it again. But he couldn't. He couldn't let this go because this was just everything he wanted. It was everything James wanted, too. It was what they both needed. Distance, space, nobody else. No judgements from people, no more looks. No more responsibility. Everyone in James' world just took from him, demanded things and then put him down when he wasn't living up to their expectation. There was only one person in Fisher's world, and he never asked anything, he never demanded anything. He was always understanding, patient, and Fisher was about to stomp all that. Push it to its limit. Because, in a way, Fisher knew that Lyle wouldn't stand in the way of him leaving. But he would be hurt by it. And he knew that he could just save his brother hurt and betrayal and anger by not even asking him, but...

Knocking softly on Lyle's bedroom door, Fisher peeked his head in. "Hey," he said quietly, his voice almost too afraid to be too loud. Lyle was going to hate him. That look he was getting right now, the patient, kind half smile, was going to disappear so fast. "Um... can I talk to you a sec? It's kinda important."

Where are you two going? )
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Jul. 8th, 2011


Friday December 19th 2008

Who: Fisher and Lyle
What: Confrontation/Intervention
Where: Their apartment
When: Evening
Rating: PG 13 [questionable content]

Hands trembling slightly, Fisher closed his laptop, and took a deep breath. He was nervous. He had never been on this end of a "talk", and he never thought he'd have to be. Hopefully, Nox was right, and all he needed to do was be patient and supportive, and it would be okay, Lyle would be okay. Lyle had to be okay, because if he wasn't, Fisher didn't know what to do. He could be strong, start his own life over, but only because Lyle had been there to help him, keep him going. Now Lyle wasn't going anywhere, and Fisher felt like he was drowning. But this wasn't about him. It was about his brother, and he was going to help him, make him better somehow.

What if it was too much for him, all of it, being a vampire and drinking blood and always having to live in the dark? What if he didn't want to do this anymore? )
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Jun. 30th, 2011


Thursday 18th December 2008

Who: Will and Fisher
Where: Mall in Danvers/ Boston
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: SABOTAGE! Shopping in the mall.
Rating: Probably swearing

Will had already dressed in anticipation of a yes from Fisher. Since his emotional breakdown on Tuesday evening he'd felt lighter, relieved almost. Wesley was apparently more than just a healer of insides and he'd been wanting to make it up to him since. It was this inner calmness that made him able to assess things better. Like the whole James/ Fisher scenario. All Will had ever been was the other man, the one to heal a hurt James had felt before he seized the opportunity to go back and try again. Will had been a stepping stone, nothing more, and he was at peace with that because he knew he deserved better. It was time to try and piece his life back together, starting with making amends with a friend he'd lost and missed terribly since.

Appearing as normal yet true to himself as possible Will ambled around the gates, biting his freshly painted nails. He occupied his mind by thinking over the tattoo designs Tiger had given him and how it would feel to get it drawn on his skin... on Fisher's approach he offered him a tiny smile.

Jun. 25th, 2011


Wednesday December 17th 2008

Who: Fisher and Spooky
What: Meeting with the past
Where: Random hallway
When: Midday
Rating: PG 13

Spooky was living the high life. No one seemed to suspect him of anything. Well, there was Blue, but she didn't care or mind. In fact she liked him even. It was weird, but hey, he was getting a bit of a soft spot for her. Which was bad considering if he needed to just up and leave. Not really wanting to think about that as he walked across campus, he continued his trek to his apartment from the entrance. He'd gone for coffee the old fashioned way of car since popping in and out was spooking people, no pun intended. Thick coat wrapped around him tightly as he nursed his beloved hot beverage, he was having a good day. There weren't as many teenagers screaming 'kidnap' in the halls to wake him up at stupid hours and he was thinking of going some place for Christmas. Some place warm. Maybe Hawaii. . .

All that went out the window though, when he saw someone he hadn't seen in years. It felt like the air had been sucked out of him. Spooky nearly stumbled when he saw the older Major brother walking towards him. This was bad, so very bad.

Name's Kyle Porter now and I'm the art teacher. )
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Jun. 24th, 2011


Monday December 15th 2008

Who: Will, James, Devon and Fisher (and Penny maybe)
Where: Wherever the cures are getting handed out
When: night time.
What: Will is turning back into his tall, glam self.

Since the previous night Will had been pacing his room. A cure for him was floating about and he was still debating whether to take it despite Devon's words. He knew people would want him turned back but he doubted whether it was all because they missed him, more for convenience. They would rather have the man who was used to this time and could fend for himself than the young angel who needed almost constant attention so he didn't burn anything down. If he took it there was no guarantees that he would return to his older self. It would be putting a huge amount of trust in the witch, and facing what would be sort of like a mini death for the seventeen year old. He would cease to exist and his older self would take over.

Though it was scary, and weird, and he was tempted to run Will asked the brood of people who had taken care of him to see him to the Witch in order for him to take this potion. There was no way he could deny Devon his best friend despite what may await him.

Now sitting with the cure in his hand Will stared at it. Maybe this was all a dream and he would awake back in the stable of New York, covered in straw and ready to go about making his living in the dark. The clothes he wore were... odd. Having changed so that his future self wouldn't rip anything that covered him, Will still didn't understand why the pants were so worn and the black shirt was all... floaty. He didn't understand it - but he liked it. Perhaps there was something to be said for this time after all.

Jun. 16th, 2011


Friday 12th December 2008

WHO: Will - Devon - James - Fisher
WHERE: The old marital apartment
WHEN: Friday sometime
WHAT: Fisher's coming over to give James a hand deal with two teens.

After being informed that Fisher would be coming over to assist in the care of Will, the fallen angel had taken great care in preparing himself. He was curious to meet this man, the man that James would leave him for in future. It wasn't that he wanted to conduct a study of him, he was merely intrigued after hearing of him so much from Devon and the history...

The tricksy box was on in the living room and Will was trying to make sense of some very odd cartoon. He'd only ever seen stationary drawing and this was definitely a learning curve. He stared at the television with his mouth open and eyes squinted. If he was drooling people might mistake him for being braindead.

He honestly couldn't see how a talking sponge could live in a pineapple.

Jun. 10th, 2011


Tuesday 9th December

Who: Will and Fisher
Where: Halls
When: afternoon
What: Fisher wants to be yelled at.

This was going to get scary, and rough, and there was a very real possibility that he was going to get hurt. )

May. 31st, 2011


Sunday - November 30th, 2008

Who: Fisher and James
When: Afternoon
Where: Woods outside the school
What: Naughty business
Rated: NSFW

You're even more beautiful with my dick in your mouth. )
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May. 25th, 2011


Friday: December/5/08

Who: Nox and Belle (and all wedding guests, which is most of the charas in game)
When: Friday night
Where: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
What: their wedding, FINALLY!
Note: EVERYONE is welcome to join in the fun. Normal group thread rules apply. Post the who/when in the subject line and have at it. If you have questions about the set up or location, just ask!

It was a cold night, but the sky was clear without a threat of snow. Nox wouldn't have minded. He liked snow, and it would have been a beautiful sight to behold from within the massive glass room. Still, the twinkle lights on the bare trees that adorned the courtyard were lovely. They added a touch of magic that would have otherwise been missing.

...continued )

May. 11th, 2011


Saturday - November 29th, 2008

Who: Fisher and James
When: Afternoon
Where: Outside of Fisher's apartment
What: The two need to see one another now that they're on the same side of the country.

Fisher being here made things simultaneously clearer and more muddled. The idea of keeping Fisher separate from his family had gone out the window when the other man had announced he was coming here and apparently staying for a while. That much was clear. And it was clear after talking to Fisher that James couldn't imagine being without him. But now he had to figure out what to do about the rest of his life and the mess that he had made out of it. For the moment, however, he was through worrying about it. One thing mattered and only one thing. He needed to see Fisher.

After taking a few moments to straighten himself up and make sure he looked presentable, James headed up the two flights of stairs that would take him to the floor Fisher lived on. It was almost surreal that he was so close. He came through the door from the stairwell, having taken the stairs instead of the elevator, and then stopped in his tracks, a smile forming upon his lips as he admired the view. "Hey," he said softly, and made a mental note of this moment to himself before closing the distance between himself and the other man to wrap the smaller man in a warm and tight embrace.
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May. 9th, 2011


Friday November 28th 2008 - Early Morning

Who: Fisher, Lyle and Nox (Charlie briefly)
What: Early Morning Meeting
Where: Nox’s office, then his apartment
When: Around 2am Friday
Rating: PG

It had been an insanely long flight, and Fisher was exhausted. But Lyle... he couldn’t tell with Lyle. There was nothing to tell. All Eight hours of the flight, Fisher had stared at his brother, trying to figure out what this was, what was happening, what he could do. There had only been one clear thing for him to do, and that was to find Nox Alekos. And he didn't remember much about the man, but he did remember where he was. And it was most ironic that the last place Fisher had wanted to go was exactly where he needed to be.

The security people hadn't been as surprised to see the Majors brothers as perhaps they should have been. Fisher didn't recognize any of them, but that was no surprise. All of them seemed to recognize him, though, which was unnerving. But they were nice at least, calling to Nox's apartment to have him come to the security office and pick them up, offering coffee, and such. It almost made Fisher relax.

Lyle and Fisher in his office. The Majors brothers back at TJS. Fuck. )

Apr. 20th, 2011


Friday November 14th 2008

Who: James and Fisher
When: Afternoon into Evening
Where: Orange County Rehab Center then Hollywood Boulevard
What: An Impromptu Cross-Country Trek
Rated: NSFW

James had tried to call Fisher a few more times just to see if perhaps he had changed his mind and his name had been added back to the call list, but when Thursday night came around that hadn't changed, he made a pretty drastic decision. Devon had been wanting to spend some time with his grandparents, so James called them and arranged for that to happen at long last. They were more than happy to take him for the weekend, so he dropped him off at their house in Boston early on Friday morning, before dawn, and headed to Logan International Airport where he took a non-stop flight to Los Angeles.

The time zone difference between Boston and LA worked in his favor as it was still early when he arrived, though by the time he had managed to get his car from the rental company and drive to the rehab facility, it was right around lunch time. James was hoping that Fisher had not already been released, that it hadn't taken place early that moring and instead he had one last full day at the place before he left. Otherwise, he was sitting in the car across the street from the place for no fucking reason.

As he sat there, in the back of his mind, he knew he was behaving like a crazy person, but he just couldn't help it. There was nothing in him that could talk him out of being here right now to confront Fisher about why exactly he had taken him off of his call list and tried to cut him out of his life.
I didn't want to get in the way of your marriage. And I should've told you but I just thought that maybe if I wasn't there anymore then you'd just go back to Will and work on things and not think about me anymore. )
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