Mar. 25th, 2010


Thursday 4|24|08

Who: [info]dizzyp & [info]akenwood
Where: Just outside of the dorms
When: Thursday 4|24|08 late afternoon/early evening
What: Smoke Break
Status: In Progress

After another day of pretending to be atleast a halfway decent student by doing the minimal showing up to classes, Dizzy needed to reward herself with a smoke. She'd gotten out of bed today, gone to every class she was signed up for, even raised her hand once. In her world, this called for a parade. At seventeen although the only legality about her smoking was that she couldn't actually purchase a pack, Nox and some of the other staff would surely take it upon themselves to reprimand her for doing. Exactly why she normally just snuck one in her room. But between oncoming checks and her roommate actually being in there tonight, she was forced out.

Laying across one of the benches, she stared up at the darkening sky, lost in momentary silence and solitude. It was hard to find quiet moments here. It was hard to find them when she rarely allowed them. Silence usually meant the possibility of a wave of imagery she was never prepared for. Her visions were still torturous without any sense of control. Hearing the click of the door that led to the dormitory, Dizzy seemed to perk up, though she only tilted her head back as she lifted her torso slightly to do so. Clear greens shooting to the upside down figure she didn't recognize that appeared to disrupt her peace.
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