Apr. 5th, 2009


Who: Adrien and Tatienne
When:Thursday morning midnight
WhereHer bedroom

The day had been, well, a day to say the least. Adrien had to be stopped, by his own father because he had nearly killed Bastian for his embarrassing behavior. Adrien was not known to lose his temper easily, but he’d grown exhausted having to deal with young bastian again, and again. Adrien felt there was no hope for the disgrace and decided that he’d be more useful dead. Having zero fucking tolerance for the boy any longer. Adrien’s father stopped him, however, told him to go kill someone, get drunk off their blood, and relax.

He explained that he’d deal with young Bastian, also explaining to Adrien that he expected there would be a change back to the families name before the end of the day. That young Bastians name would be changed as well, and while he was at it, Adrien needed to have bastian excused from school all together because he was going to be attending a different level of schooling over the next week. Listening to his father Adrien did just that, and made arrangements. Adriens father was the law, and you did not at any point in time question it. Nor did you take even a second to question it, if you did that, it was simple - you’d be dead before you could think any further.

Adrien sat silently in a chair that was just near a window. The moonlight gazing in to bring a very dim glow to the room. He sat with one leg crossed, ankle resting upon his knee. His dark eyes full desire, deep passion watched as his black rose slept ever so peaceful in her bed. The scent of her breath roused a dangerous lust inside of him, and it took every ounce of strength to contain himself. To not walk over to her bed, wake her, her, and make her his. No, he’d not do that, it wasn’t time just yet. Not here, and certainly not now.

Adrien had no need to take his claim in such a hurry. Tatienne was his. She’d been his from birth, a promise, and despite his absence from her life, Tatienne, still, and would always belong to him. There was no need to wake her, however. Tatienne would soon open her beautiful dazzling eyes..the scent of her father would rouse her, and while she sleep at current, already, she knew he was there in the room. Adrien would just wait, and she would come to him.

Upon the end table next to bed rested a beautifully wrapped box in black and red ribbon. Inside the box, the heart of a child. Still warm with blood, as the heart had just been surgically removed within the past hour. (One of the pleasures to being a doctor) As a child, it had always been a treat for Tatienne. The way her eyes lit up, the smile that danced along her lips, and how she tasted, upon taking of the human heart. The thought of those times brought a devilishly handsome smirk to the corners of his lips. Tonight, would be a new beginning for the both of them.

The events of the next couple of days was going to be a new beginning as well, there were many plans, and some of those plans involved Adrien taking his claim over Tatienne. A claim that had been long over due. “ I’ve given you more than enough time, and plenty of space. It’s over, I’m done waiting. “ Adrien said in a calm, but very strong dominating tone of voice.

January 2013



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